Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help. Overview: Search the literature for an epidemiological study that was conducted on an issue in epidemiology study related to medical or psychiatric disease.,Search the literature for an epidemiological study,Analysis of Epidemiological Study,Overview: Search the literature for an epidemiological study that was conducted on an issue in epidemiology study related to medical or psychiatric disease.,Write a paper that is no more than 8 pages in length, free of grammar and spelling errors, APA (7th edition) format, well organized, and reflects depth of thinking/analysis.,Instructions:, Your paper should include the following: (must address each section), Firstly, study purpose.,Secondly, study design.,Thirdly, study sampling methods.,Fourthly, study data collection methods.,Why do you think the authors chose the study design, sampling, and data collection methods over other designs or methods? (Give rational), Firstly, strengths of study design and methods.,Secondly, weaknesses of study design and methods.,Thirdly, appropriateness of study design and methods.,Identify:,Firstly, potential or actual study bias,Secondly, potential or actual confounding,Thirdly, statistical power of the study,Attrition,Interpret the epidemiological findings, considering the potential effects of bias, confounding, power, and attrition on:,Validity of results,Reliability of results,Generalizability of results,To avoid re-writing, please refrain from copy paste and quote. You must paraphrased and use your own words. Plagiarism will be check by Unicheck software. Journal article provide to you under attachment.,More details;,What are three examples of ethical standards in epidemiology?,Specific ethical issues arising in epidemiologic research and public health practice that have been highlighted in ethics guidelines include minimizing risks and providing benefits, informed consent, avoiding and disclosing conflicts of interest, obligations to communities, and the institutional review board system.,What are the disadvantages of epidemiological study?,Table: Summary of advantages and disadvantages of the main analytical epidemiological studies,Are time-consuming and costly (especially prospective studies);,Can study only those risk factors measured at the beginning of the study;,Can be used only for common diseases;,May have losses to follow-up.,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

Computer Science homework help

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