Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help.

Team Research Assignment

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type of firewall: o Cloud firewalls

· Investigate how that type of firewall works.

· Investigate the vendors that provide that type of firewall. Is there a top vendor for that type?

· Investigate what types of situations are best suited for that type of firewall. What situations is it not well suited for?

· What other types of firewalls work best in conjunction with that type? Are there types that it does not work well with?

· What are the pros and cons of that type of firewall?

Research Paper Format

· The paper must be in the APA format

· At least ten pages in length plus cover, abstract and references.

· Graphs, illustrations, and spreadsheets are allowed, but will not count toward the 10-page requirement.

  • Research      Paper must have at least 5 works cited of which 2 must be peer-reviewed      works/articles (note your book can be included as a      reference)

PowerPoint Presentation

· 30-minute team presentation with PowerPoint slides (All participants must present a topic).

· Must align with your paper

· Provides the highlights of your paper

· Graded on the completeness of the topic

· Graded on presentation delivery

Computer Science homework help