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Purdue University Cloud Computing Virtual Machine Creation Lab Report

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Part 1

Section 1:


In this lab, you will use PowerShell to create a virtual machine in our Azure environment. At the start of the lab, you are given a single resource group, then you must create login credentials, a subnet, a virtual network, a public IP, security rules, the network interface, and finally, the virtual machine itself.

“Deploy an Ubuntu ARM VM with PowerShell”.

You will need to take four screenshots during the process.

  1. Screenshot showing you have Installed the Azure RM PowerShell module.
  2. Screenshot showing you have officially logged into the Azure Portal.
  3. Screenshot that shows your virtual machine is running.
  4. Screenshot that shows you can SSH to your virtual machine.

The screenshots you create while completing the lab should be added to a Microsoft Word document. Write a one-paragraph summary under each screenshot sharing your experience completing this lab. Then, write a final paragraph that summarizes your experience with Azure.

Section 2

you will create an SQL database with Azure SQL Database, as well as learn how to create and manage elastic pooling and geo-replication. You will also learn specific features of Azure SQL Database and see the benefits of external SQL management.

“Managing Elastic Pools and Pooled
Databases in Azure”.

You will need to take four screenshots during the process.

  1. Screenshot within the Azure Portal showing specific resource groups.
  2. Screenshot showing a newly created SQL database.
  3. Screenshot showing a newly completed elastic database pool.
  4. Screenshot that displays the secondary database created by copying data from primary using Geo-Replication.

screenshots you create while completing the lab should be added to a
Microsoft Word document. Write a one-paragraph summary under each
screenshot sharing your experience completing this lab. Then, write a
final paragraph that summarizes your experience with Azure.

Section 3:

You are working for a medium size or hybrid sized company that has grown dramatically over the past two years and continues to expand. The company creates and manages marketing campaigns for thousands of companies throughout the southern states. Due to the change in marketing plans, system administrators and developers have to manually make changes to maintenance scripts to support weekly and sometimes daily marketing campaigns.

Also, do some Internet or library research regarding the costs involved in the company purchasing new hardware to account for the increases in business compared to implementing a cloud solution.

Write a 2-page paper that discusses the following:

  1. How would an Azure cloud solution support a company that is growing dramatically?
  2. Discuss how PowerShell scripts can help reduce the headaches of manual changes to maintenance scripts.
  3. Discuss the benefits of purchasing new hardware to accommodate for increased business compared with implementing a cloud solution.
  4. Discuss the disadvantages of purchasing new hardware to accommodate for increased business compared with implementing a cloud solution.

Section 3

Your company has several cloud solutions in place and continue to dynamically work Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS as their two primary cloud solutions. The company has several small on-premise environments as well. The company supports a very large third-party application that is only certified to work with Amazon AWS and specifically works with an Amazon RDS database instance. The third-party vendor just recently stated that it is now certified to use Microsoft Azure environment and wants you to build out the environment for validation testing and then a live beta testing environment to follow.

Write a 2-page paper that discusses the following:

  1. Discuss how Microsoft’s geo replication compares to Amazon read replicas.
  2. What are some key differences between Microsoft’s Azure SQL database as compared to Amazon’s RDS environments?
  3. What are the cost differences between a Microsoft’s Azure virtual environment as compared to an Amazon EC2 environment? These may be either explicit or inferred.
  4. What are the key issues that influence the cost structure of virtual environments?
  5. Is the cost structure comparable from Azure as compared to AWS? Provide your assumptions on the cost structure and explain.
  6. If you were relying on the accounting department to develop the cost structure, how might you guard against them providing a cost breakdown based on faulty reasoning?
  7. Does the Google® cloud offer a viable solution? Explain why or why not.
  8. What might be the implications of moving to a new environment too quickly

Part 2

Section 1

In this Part, you will follow the steps in the AWS-SHELL Walkthrough. This will take you through the process of:

  • Provisioning a AWS Cloud9 environment
  • Installing AWS-Shell
  • Creating a text file
  • Creating a S3 Bucket
  • Copying a file to the S3 bucket
  • Validating that the file was copied
  • Removing the file
  • Removing the S3 Bucket

Once you have completed the walkthrough you will write a minimum 1-page paper outlining and describing the process of:

  • Provisioning the environment
  • Installing AWS-Shell
  • Creating the S3 bucket
  • Working with the file
  • Cleaning up the work space

Section 2: Deploy a Linux Virtual Machine

In Part 2, you will complete the Accessing and Using the Azure Cloud Shell hands-on Lab from A Cloud Guru. You can access the lab HERE or by searching for it at A Cloud Guru.

The objectives of this lab are:

  • Configure a Cloud Shell
  • Familiarize yourself with the Cloud Shell environment.
  • Execute a few CLI commands in the Bash shell.
  • Create a virtual machine using Bash and the Azure CLI.
  • Verify the deployment of the virtual machine using SSH.
  • Change to the Azure PowerShell environment. Run some sample PowerShell cmdlets to familiarize yourself with its syntax.
  • Remove the virtual machine deployed in the lab.
  • Verify the removal of the virtual machine.

Take screenshots of the following steps in the Lab (after the step is completed) and place them in the appendix:

  • Configuring the cloud shell.
  • Executing commands in the Bash shell.
  • Creating the Virtual Machine using Bash and the Azure CLI.
  • Verifying the deployment of the Virtual Machine using SSH.
  • Changing to PowerShell and running some sample PowerShell cmdlets.
  • Removing and verifying the removal of the virtual machine.

In a minimum 2-page paper, answer the following questions:

  • Describe the process of creating a virtual machine using Bash and Azure CLI.
  • Which method of creating a virtual machine is easier, using the GUI or the method from the lab (Bash and Azure CLI) and why?
  • What benefits are there to using a script to create virtual machines as opposed to using the GUI?