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SU Responsibility Is It to Provide Security Discussion

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Part one:

Please respond to the following:

A small but fast-growing company has called you in as a consultant to help with their IT infrastructure. When they first started, they put their business data in the cloud and changed their business processes to fit their SaaS. Now, they want to know if they should customize their SaaS to fit their business processes, or keep changing their business processes to fit their SaaS.

  • Propose a set of 3–5 initial questions you would ask them to help you prepare your recommendation. Be sure to explain why you are asking each question.
  • Be sure to respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts.
  • Angela Gammon

    1. What are the realistic cost savings of customizing your SaaS to your Business?
    SaaS platforms have been the growing trend in todays markets, considerable cost savings are critical in determing if paying for applications that are handled off site versus licensing software applications accross your network. Where most softwared applications require yearly licensing, SaaS platforms take that out of the equation and allow the users all the flexibility of having the software in one location.
    2. Are you able to stay flexible with your current business model, while using the SaaS options you have tailored to the business?
    SaaS offers flexibility in the workplace. A company and their product must remain flexible enough to adapt to your targets audience’s specific needs. SaaS platforms support workforce Changes on the fly.
    3. Are we able to meet any budget demands?
    Knowing the budget that an organization is trying to stay within, will help determine if adjustments need to be made, or if we can go further into applying possiblly more SaaS applications for the corporation.
    4. Are the current SaaS software applications scalable to the organization?
    Knowing the scalability of the applications being used, we can look for applicaitons that may not be properly utilitized in the right capacity and make changes accordingly.
    5. What Training would need to be maintained in order to make sure the organization on a whole is working efficently with the SaaS environment?
    Training is by far the most crucial aspect in all organization. Developing proper training for the SaaS applications that we intend the organization to use will go a long way in allowing the team to transition into that environment

  • Shannon Martin

    What is the problem the company is trying to solve?If it is a general problem like the adding of inventory or implementing a tracking system, those problems are best solved by adjusting to the SaaS. SaaS’s are specifically designed to meet those challenges. However, if there are specific issues that need to be met, customizing the SaaS may be the better solution because the company will be able to create a software the provides it with the exact information it needs without subjecting the employees to a bunch of changes. What is the budget?Modifying the business’ process will be the cheaper option because the company will just need to adapt personnel internally. If money is no object, then paying for a customized SaaS may be the better choice.How quickly does the company need this tool?If this is something that is needed immediately, adapting the business process is the best solution. Developing a customized solution takes a long time to create and to work the bugs out.Does the company have technical developers who can create the customizations, or would the work have to be outsourced?This question goes hand in hand with the budget and time question. If the company wants to customize and has developers with the necessary skills readily available, it may be the most cost-effective option. However, if the company must outsource the work, it will take longer to get the finished product and be more expensive.

    Part two:
    1. Week 8 Assignment – Week 8 Status Report

      Use the Week 8 Status Report Template [DOCX] to complete this assignment.In Week 10, you will provide a detailed project presentation for your new information system project. Because of its importance to the organization, your presentation must be thoughtful and visually appealing. To help you stay on track for this three-week effort, the executives have assigned you a project manager. For each week leading up to the presentation, you are expected to turn in a short (less than one page) status report.It must address just four things:

      1. What did you expect to accomplish on the project this week?
      2. What did you actually accomplish on the project this week?
      3. What issues have arisen, and what help do you need?
      4. What do you expect to accomplish on the project next week?

      Please write up your responses as a series of bullet points in memo form. There is no need for a cover page.

    2. These go together
    1. Week 10 Assignment – The Presentation

      Congratulations. Your project has been staffed and you are about to meet with the team for the first time. Initial impressions are important and you’ll need visuals for your presentation. Refer to PowerPoint for Windows Training if you need additional information on using PowerPoint.Create a slide show (in PowerPoint or similar software) in which you address the following, in this order:

      1. Goals: What the project hopes to accomplish.
      2. Critical Success Factors: Identify at least four different stakeholders; for each, list at least two things that the stakeholder requires in order to deem the project successful.
      3. Acquisition strategy: Should the system be built in house, created by a contractor, purchased off the shelf and customized, or leased as a service? Explain your rationale.
      4. Resources: For in-house development, what people and skills are required and what development life cycle do you recommend? Otherwise, identify three candidate organizations that can deliver the system.
      5. System functions: In a table format, summarize the types of users for the system; the business reason(s) each would use the system; the ways that the system supports each of these needs and how this support differs from the current system.
      6. Connectivity: Provide a diagram that shows how the system will connect to the other information systems and what data flows among them.
      7. Security: List the most serious cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities of the new system. Suggest strategies to address them.
      8. Mobility: Identify the system’s capabilities for mobile use. Include a title and summary slide.

      Use one slide for each of the preceding eight points.Include speaker notes or audio narration that explains each slide more fully.If you use sources to support your writing for this assignment, choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

      • Develop a business case to convey the value of the information systems solution to an audience of diverse stakeholders.
    Part three:
    Please respond to the following: Recently, a U.S. Circuit Court upheld the enforceability of website terms of service (ToS), even though the user did not have to click through to agree. Read Second Circuit Scraps District Court’s Denial of Uber’s Motion to Compel Arbitration.

    • Identify one positive and one negative implication of this finding.
    • Explain which terms you believe are ethically appropriate for such agreements. Explain your position.
    • Be sure to respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts.
    • Thomas Keith

      As someone who has been dealing with overtly stressful happenings in the workplace and personal in recent weeks, I have been putting much thought to this very subject.

      In the work place, most (including myself) feel they are working above their pay grade as far as excess responsibilities and commitments go. The pressure often seems insurmountable and but not fulfilling these duties leads to a sense and feeling of failure. In my case, I keep taking on new duties that aren’t part of my position but will help my transition into a number new roles with in my company.

      · Delegation of duties: Partner with your superiors and peers to see if any of these duties can be delegated elsewhere, be reprioritized or to establish a new plan of execution. Many are afraid of speaking up out of pressure or admiring “failure” which is never the case. More often then not, many managers can’t address an issue if they are not aware there is one.
      · Offer outlets of support and help: whether it is internal help such as counseling, fmla and so on. There is asleep external resources with medical help, social outreach resources as well as treatment facilities that partner with company insurance.
      · Change in environment/team build: we can at times feel trapped by our work commitment and space. If applicable, working from home once and and while or remote location within the company maybe helpful. Organizing Team Build activities, altering normal work relationships can ease any palpable Tension among workers/management. Lastly, events such as team builders helps employees feel appreciated which too is a large factor to workplace stress and depression.

      Workplace stress can be debilitating. I have learned that from personal experience. What I have also learned is that people and companies are willing to help, you just need to ask. Many have resources in place, and if they don’t they are waiting for a reason to implement them.

    • Sean Cauffman

      Good afternoon,In the article – The impact of Workplace stress acts as a predictor on Employee’s Productivity and Efficiency – An Empirical study in banking sector with reference to private and public sector banks, a stress analysis was conducted within a work group. The study brought to light several interesting results. The study was conducted across 5 ages groups (broken out from 18 years old on up to 55 & above), gender, 5 levels of experience (broken out from 2 years on up to 10 or more years), 5 types of jobs and whether the jobs were in the private/public sector. The study broke stressors done to 9 categories, including organizational structure, tech knowledge and lack of support. The results showed that age was insignificant as a category when applying stressors, but gender was very significant. Gender differences occurred, regarding overall job satisfaction (Ilamathi & Raman, 1).So, when looking at this study and the results it prompts me to address the stressors themselves to be able to create an environment of better job satisfaction. And to devise a plan to reduce the stressors when possible. To me one of the most controllable stressors is preparing employees to do the tasks of their job. To make sure that employees can handle the tasks of their job, we need to give them the tools to succeed. The tools need to begin with clear, detailed training programs. We need to remember that some people learn better through visual training, some by one on one, some in groups, some with interactive and some by hands on. We also need to do training on a sliding scale and know everyone learns differently and that some individuals may need a lot more training than others. Training also needs to be conducted on going. Some people will need refreshers. Also, when rolling out new programs and technology, we need to make sure that everyone gets a full picture of the information, including, but not limited to SOP’s, Playbooks, E-learning, etc. We need to ask employees for feedback to find out what learning tools are the most beneficial to them and then revise our training programs to better relate to our employees. Having better trained employees will help reduce missteps and misunderstandings on the job, which will help reduce everyday stress.“Every business deals with different challenges, but I believe we all benefit when our employees are prepared to do their best” (Rodriguez-Zaba, 2, p.1). By helping to reduce stressors in the workplace, we cultivate an environment where employees feel valued. By addressing the needs of the masses, we show our desire to invest in and keep the employees that we employ. We also show that we recognize that not every situation or person is the same and that we are up to the challenges of modifying our practices to have an inclusive work environment and significant retention of employees.

      1. M. Ilamathi and Dr. Uma Raman M. 2021. “The Impact of Workplace stress acts as a predictor on Employee’s Productivity and Efficiency – An Empirical study in banking sector with reference to private and public sector banks”.
      2. Rodriguez-Zaba. Six Strategies for Reducing Stress in The Workplace. 3/27/2019.…