Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help. Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Technology in our Lives. It needs to be at least 500 words.However I still believe that technology has a big impact on our lives nowadays. The newer generations can’t think about living without technology. Ask a teenager what their most prized possessions are and you will come up with answers such as laptop, iPod, digital camera, PlayStation and many more such technological devices that have taken the world by storm and have become a necessary part of many people’s lives.Many of the technological inventions such as cars, airplanes and bullet trains have made transportation easier. Gone are the days when people commonly used horses and camels as modes of transportation. With the invention of modern modes of travel it is possible to reach far off places in a very short time. Most of us use these modes while travelling to work or school. A person travelling on a horse to go to their office is a rare sight now thanks to technology as people prefer faster modes of travel. With technological advancements came the inventions such as television, cell phones, and internet. All these inventions have led to the world becoming a global village. With their help we can communicate over long distances and know what is happening anywhere in the world just by clicking a button.Technology has even led to advancements in medicine. With the help of technology new medicines are being developed that can cure many diseases. As a result many lives can be saved. Electricity is another invention without which we cannot dream to live now. Imagine if there is no electricity the country. There is a total blackout. The world will come to a halt. Most of people’s work requires electricity. Be it as simple as for running the AC or as complex as running a power plant both require electricity to function.I believe that now it is impossible to live without technology. We are so dependent on some of the technology that we use today that it

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help

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