e Information Systems homework help

e Information Systems homework help. please read before accepting the bid. I need a PowerPoint and a writeup for this assignment. As usual, plagiarism will be checked! Thank you so much for your assistance.
Vision/Mission/Time Horizon Statement: Agreeing on an IT Strategy
Prior to beginning work on this interactive assignment, read Chapter 1 from the course text, the Mission Statements (Links to an external site.) article, the Vision Statements (Links to an external site.) article, and review the relevant information from this week’s lecture. This interactive assignment will allow you to practice creating an IT Mission Statement and a Company Vision Statement, as well as develop some of the company’s time horizon, goals, and strategic initiatives. Before developing an IT mission statement and IT vision statement, read through the statement comparisons in the ISM645 Mission Vision and Time Horizon WorksheetPreview the document to provide a backdrop for your work.
Writing the Mission & Vision Statement, and Strategic Horizon: Read the ISM645 Acme Corporate Strategic Summary PlanPreview the document. Taking on a role as an IT leader of the Acme Company, you will create the IT Mission Statement and the IT Vision Statement. You will present these statements to the Acme Company executive committee. Additionally, you will create an IT Strategic Time Horizon. The Strategic Time Horizon provides the timing for the implementation of the major elements that support the Vision and Mission. Use the ISM645 Mission Vision and Time Horizon WorksheetPreview the document to help you to create these statements and to view how other companies have created these elements.
Create a PowerPoint presentation for delivery to the executive board that includes the following elements:
An IT Mission Statement for the Acme Company
An IT Vision Statement for the Acme Company
An IT Strategic Time Horizon for the Acme Company
Attach your PowerPoint to your initial post. In the body of your initial post, explain how these statements are representative of the company’s qualities, values, and time horizon.
Your initial post should be a minimum of 250 words.

e Information Systems homework help

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