Economics homework help

Economics homework help. What are the prevalence and epidemiology, assessment, management or treatment; and advantages and disadvantages of legalizing marijuana use.,What are the prevalence and epidemiology, assessment, management or treatment,What are the prevalence and epidemiology, assessment, management or treatment; and advantages and disadvantages of legalizing marijuana use.,***Need 3 scholarly references***,More details;,Joe Biden has said he would not legalise cannabis across the US because he feared it could be a gateway drug.,The Democratic presidential candidate said he needed “a lot more” evidence on whether the substance caused further drug use.,The US National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) says most cannabis users do not go on to use harder substances.,“There has not been nearly enough evidence that has been acquired as to whether or not it is a gateway drug,” Mr Biden said during a town hall meeting in Las Vegas.,“It’s a debate. I want a lot more before I legalise it nationally. I want to make sure we know a lot more about the science behind it.”,While ,some research, points to cannabis acting as a “gateway” to harder substances, other ,research has found, alcohol and nicotine may be more likely to lead to further drug use.,One study, found that even though cannabis did often precede people taking other drugs, the reason why subjects used cannabis in the first place – such as “boredom” – was a larger risk factor than the cannabis itself.,Mr Biden said he supported individual states deciding their own recreational cannabis laws.,The former vice president under ,Barack Obama, was asked during the meeting whether his stance towards recreational cannabis has changed. He replied: “No, it has not.”,Mr Biden has a long history of supporting anti-drug legislation and has been criticised for his role during the “war on drugs” of the 1990s.,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

Economics homework help

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