Economics Homework Help

GCC Economics Worksheet

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1) Based on the following graph, post a text for your teammate in which you identify

1. when recessions occurred in the US

2. which recession was worst and explain why

3. which decade was best – 80s, 90s, 00s or 10s and explain why

4. which decade was worst 80s 90s 00s or 10s and explain why

There is a graph that will be posted below for the above questions

2) The latest report on US GDP is the following:

The increase in real GDP by 6.6% in the second quarter reflected increases in personal consumption expenditures, nonresidential investment, exports, and state and local government spending that were partly offset by decreases in residential investment, and federal government spending. and imports,

Which of the items in bold are positive for the economy? Which of these are negative? Why?

3) Go back to the warmup for this module in which you analyzed a list of goods and services to determine whether or not they are counted in GDP and in which category. For each item, explain the correct answer. You can take the quiz again and the previous best score will count.

There is a pdf of the warmup below in a pdf for this question