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SEU Alaman Corp Just Paid a Dividend Yesterday Question

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Q1: Alaman Corp. just paid a dividend of $2.15 yesterday. The company is expected to grow at a steady rate of 5 percent for the foreseeable future. If investors in stocks of companies like Alaman require a rate of return of 15 percent, what should be the market price of Alaman’s stock? (1 mark)


Q2: Carrefour is expecting its new center to generate the following cash flows:













Net operating cash flows






a. What is the payback period for this new center. (1 mark)

b. Calculate the net present value using a cost of capital of 15 percent. Should the project be accepted? (1 mark)


Q3: Alfa corp has a capital structure which is based on 50% common stock, 20% preferred stock and 30% debt. The cost of common stock is 14%, the cost of preferred stock is 8% and the pre-tax cost of debt is 10%. The firm’s tax rate is 40%. (2 marks)

  • Calculate the WACC of the firm.
  • The firm is considering a project that is equally as risky as the firm’s current operations. This project has initial costs of $280,000 and annual cash inflows of $66,000, $320,000, and $133,000 over the next three years, respectively. What is the net present value of this project?