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Education homework help.  

Clinical Field Experience A:

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Functional Behavior Observation Form






Note whether this topic was observed or discussed or both.

Observation Models

FBA tool used by mentor to observe and gather information about student behavior. Is there a specific process and/or form used?

Data Collection Methods Methods used by mentor to gather data about student behavior and effect on learning.  

Classroom, faculty office, front office, playground, etc. Describe settings of student observations in detail.

Student Behaviors

What observations of student behaviors did you notice? If no observable misbehavior or disruptive behavior was present, what positive behavior did you notice from students?

[NOTE: Preserve student confidentiality and do not use real names when describing students.]



Used to affect behavior by making changes to antecedents (triggers), environment, consequences, etc.

Ethical and Professional Principles

How did/do staff and faculty interact with students and/or families in a compassionate manner and remain cognizant of confidentiality?





In 250-500 words, summarize and reflect on the shadowing experience. How will you use what you observed and discussed about functional behavior assessments in your future professional practice?

Education homework help