Education homework help

Each thread must be no less than 400 words with at least 2 in-text citations with full references in APA format.


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DB#1 Topic: History and General Background of Higher Education

Summarize the 10 Generations of American Higher Education. Based on your knowledge, how would you characterize today’s college student population? What unique opportunities and challenges do college campuses face today? How should Christian faculty, staff, and administrators handle their responsibilities when handling difficult social, political, and other pressures? In your replies, identify where you agree or disagree with students’ observations about today’s college students and the opportunities and challenges that college campuses face.


DB#2 Topic: Federal and State Involvement in Higher Education

What are similarities and differences between state and federal funding? What are the central role(s) of the federal government in relation to higher education, and what are the central role(s) of state government in relation to higher education? In your replies, express your agreement or disagreement with students’ comparisons between federal and state involvement in higher education.


DB#3 Topic: Academic and Career Outcomes

Discuss how attending different types of institutions can impact a student’s academic and career outcomes. Does it matter where students attend college? Are postsecondary institutions responsible to ensure that students complete a degree, accumulate little or no debt, and enter a job that with a high paying salary? What is the Christian’s perspective on making long-term decisions and facing the implications of choices? In your replies, express your agreement or disagreement with students’ comments on these issues.


DB#4 Topic: Christian Perspective on Social and Political Issues and the Future of Higher Education

Explain your viewpoint/philosophy on the Christian’s responsibility for responding to social and political issues that impact higher education. How should a believer handle major campus issues (or crises), whether the campus is a public, secular private, or faith-based institution? As you reflect on what you learned in this course, what do you anticipate being the major trends and issues in the future of higher education? In your replies, identify areas where you agree or disagree with students’ forecast for the future of higher education.