Education homework help

Education homework help. 8th Week Assignments


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This week you will review the change processes. Understanding change and result of change is a key component for all successful nursing leaders. Change for change success is never a good idea and the mature nursing leader recognize when change works and when it does not. In this week the student will discuss their understanding the change paradigm and how to understand the result of any change in professional practice.

1.    Differentiate between successful and unsuccessful change and the result of each on professional practice.

2.    Appraise the effect of change on colleagues and nursing groups.

Required book: Boykin, A., Valentine, K., & Schoenhofer, S. (2013) Health care systems transformation for nursing and health care leaders: Implementing a culture of caring. New York: Springer Publishing Co. Chapter 9


  1. Understanding the Effects of Change

Discussion essay (250 words APA-style),

Introduction – Development – Conclusion


Describe how successful nursing leaders guide professional practice for those around them using this example: an employee has resigned and the resignation letter is angry and includes many negative comments about the organization. How would you respond to the employee? Discuss the how participating in change helps a nursing leader grow and mature in their professional practice.


APA Guidelines (Introduction – Development – Conclusion)

Minimum 2 scholar references



  1. Change and Growth ((2000 words APA-style essay), Introduction – Development – Conclusion



Support your ideas with at least four (4) scholarly citations in your essay. Use strict APA guidelines to format the paper.

Should comprise an Introduction, a development, and a Conclusion.

Clearly delineate the different key concepts of the development

  1. Using concepts and ideas that you have learned in this course describe how you will approach future change.
  2. Discuss growth you perceive has happened in your professional practice.
  3. Describe any differences in how you will approach change in future.
  4. Finally describe how you intend to measure future success in change for both yourself and others.



  1. Reflection (1000 words APA-style essay), deadline

Introduction – Development – Conclusion

have developed the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that enable your achievement of the Course Goals listed in the syllabus. How this course has helped you achieve these goals. Please consider how this course has helped you achieve these goals.

Minimum 2 scholar citations.






Education homework help