Education homework help

Education homework help. Seminar Speaking Assessment
Studying at University
A seminar is an opportunity to think about a topic, develop your own point of view, and test
that point of view in discussion with other students. It is important to make your position
clear, defend your position with reasons, and question other seminar participants about
their ideas and reasons.
For the final seminar exam, you can read the articles below to give you some ideas:
• Transferable Skills You Acquire At University

8 Transferable Skills You Acquire At University

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• Should I Go to University?
• What are your transferable skills as you exit graduate school?
• Work experience vs education
You can also use the following resources to prepare your ideas:
• Why go to university?

• Studying in the UK
• Is it worth going to university?

You will not be permitted to bring your prepared notes into the exam. In the
exam you will be given 3-4 of the following questions, you will have two
minutes before the seminar exam to write down some key points that you
have prepared. You do not have to discuss all 3-4 questions, and can discuss
the questions in any order.
Seminar Speaking Assessment
Decide if you agree or disagree with the statements below. Use ideas from these texts as
well as your own experience and research to support your position.
1. People with higher academic qualifications have a better standard of life.
2. Studying at university is a good investment of time and money.
3. Students lack life skills because they only learn academic skills at university.
4. For all employers, work experience is more important than academic qualifications.
5. Going to university is essential for all young people.
6. The skills students learn at university will be useful in their future career.
7. Prospective employees with only academic qualifications are better prepared for
the workplace than prospective employees with only work experience.
8. The benefits of studying at university abroad outweigh the drawbacks.
9. As graduates tend to earn more money throughout their lives, all graduates should
pay for their tuition fees at university.
10. Skills learnt at university are not transferable to the work environment.
11. For all employers, academic qualifications are more important than work
12. The drawbacks of studying at university abroad outweigh the benefits.

Education homework help