Education homework help

a minimum of 150 words
AM 8
Dr. McMahon asks: The 1960s and 1970s would prompt women’s increased political involvement.  Women were involved as lobbyists and were critical in the feminist movement and ERA efforts, as well as in the quest for public office.  How would the second wave of feminism impact women’s increased public involvement in politics?
Identify one woman who became an integral part of the public sector (local, state, or national politics), and assess her contribution to the public sector. Address connections to the Unit 8 Reading material; include APA formatting (parenthetical citations and reference entries).
Women in the public sector: 1960 to present
Read Chapters 11 & 12** in Through Women’s Eyes
Dubois, E.C. & Dumenil, L. (2019). Through women’s eyes (5th ed.). Boston, MA:
Bedford/St. Martin’s.
**Chapter 11: Read pp. 644 – 654 and pp. 660 – 675. **Chapter 12: Read entire chapter.
CT 8
at least 200 words
Dr. McMahon asks:
You will be giving a speech about your profession to a group of schoolchildren (you may decide if you want to address elementary, junior high, or high school students).  Your objective is to explain something complicated from your field to an audience unfamiliar with what you do.
First, write an outline of what you’ll want to cover with an introduction, a thesis statement, and your three main points.
Next, in at least one paragraph, discuss how you will explain one complex idea to the audience. Finally, keeping in mind the audience for your speech, explain how you will use ethos, pathos, and logos in your presentation.
CT 8 Readings:
Read Chapter 9 “Fair-Mindedness”

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