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Zonk Air Accident Report Project

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 accident investigation report of Zonk Air 

Hi here is the first part you finished : Organizational CultureAnswer the following questions.Your response should contain what you learned from all your reading material:Can management or organizational culture actually cause a mishap?If this is true, then provide examples of “paper trails” an investigator would need to examine that would support this alleged causation or influence on an accident.Explain and list various other types of paper trails associated with an investigation. Consider the fact that an accident investigation report must not only prove a factor but also eliminate or rule out elements NOT associated with the accident e.g., the Zonk Air accident.Can management or organizational culture actually cause a mishap?Management or organizational culture plays a core role in causing a mishap. Culture dictates how organizations perform operations and the employee code of conduct. The human factors classification system (HFACS) highlights the causes of aviation accidents, classifying them into organizational influences, unsafe acts, unsafe supervision, and preconditions of unsafe acts. Notably, organizational influences outline the role of management on widespread accidents in aviation. Resource management, especially staff training, proper facilities, and equipment, are necessary to minimize the cause of a mishap or an accident (Wood and Sweginnis, 2006).  Organizational climate necessitates safe policies that govern aviation operations and the role of crew members in attaining aviation safety.  The standard operating procedures should be precise and clear to eliminate the possibility of a mishap. Further, unsafe supervision and unsafe acts, and preconditions of unsafe acts cause a mishap owing to the role of management in influencing positive outcomes among crewmembers and flawless operations. The information flow and delegation of duties from the top management develop a chain of events that eventually elaborate on the unsafe acts by pilots, resulting in a mishap. Management should encourage employees to report aviation safety issues rather than introduce punitive measures to reduce or eliminate the possibility of a mishap.If this is true, then provide examples of “paper trails” an investigator would need to examine that would support this alleged causation or influence on an accident.An investigator would need training records, an example of “paper trails,” that help ascertain whether the required training was provided before the crew embarked on a mission.  The company’s effort is also determined to incorporate critical training aspects or ascertain whether some training practices were omitted to reduce cost.   The maintenance logs of an aircraft are another suitable example of a “paper trail” whereby investigators ascertain the flight state of the aircraft alongside the company’s compliance with all inspections to enhance airworthiness (Wood et al., 2006).   A company lacking a stringent aircraft maintenance policy is more likely to cut costs and compromise passengers’ safety.  Investigators use the maintenance logs to affirm the airworthiness condition and prevent inspection lapse to avoid accident causation.Explain and list various other types of paper trails associated with an investigation. Consider the fact that an accident investigation report must not only prove a factor but also eliminate or rule out elements NOT associated with the accident e.g., the Zonk Air accidentThe pilot’s logbook is a type of paper trail that investigators rely on to determine the consistency of performance during flight, instrument update, the last flown date, and the updates regarding baseline checks. A pilot without demonstrated instrument update shows the impossibility of having flown within the past few months and going through a line check before flight operations (Wood et al., 2006). Therefore, the pilot is likely to forget some steps when presented with a current instrument resulting in an aircraft crash.Charts are a type of paper trail based on the airport diagrams, Standard Instrument Departure (SIDS), Standard Terminal Arrival Routes (STARs), and approach charts. While most airlines are increasingly embracing digitalism, some still depend on paper charts. Investigators can use these paper charts to determine whether the charts are up to date and reflect the current information if an accident happens following going underneath minimums, overlooking correct procedures and runway invasion.Passengers and cargo manifest is a type of paper trail that allows investigators to estimate or project the possibility of aircraft take-off or landing within the stipulated weight limit (Wood et al., 2006). An overweight aircraft is likely to cause a mishap due to poor landing or take-off performance. Investigators use the manifest to ascertain whether the aircraft’s weight triggered the accident following excessive limit.ReferenceWood, R. H., & Sweginnis, R. W. (2006). Aircraft Accident Investigation (2nd ed). Endeavor Books.

2rd one?Fire sourcesAnswer the following questions.Identify the combustion matrix needed for fire, then compare and contrast the difference between an inflight fire and post-crash fire in accidents e.g ., the Zonk Air accident.Apply cause and effect relationship to evaluate initial on-scene actions, thence any possible follow-up techniques.Distinguish and list some of the evidential procedures needed to determine if a fire was a component in the accident error chain.

Turbines and PropsAnswer the following questions.Describe the term “feathering” as it pertains to propeller function and why it’s important to be aware of this dynamic during an accident investigation such as Zonk Air accident?What is meant by the general investigative expression, “Turbine parts may have a memory?” (Note: the word “memory” in this case does NOT refer to a human factors issue)What is meant by “critical flows” needed by a turbine engine to operate properly, and is there a cause and effect relationship in regards to these flows, and an accident involving turbine power plants?

Here is the requirement for Accident Report ProjectMake sure your accident investigation report of Zonk Air is finalized.The report should be clear, objective, absent of pronouns, void of any opinions (other than in the conclusion). There should be continuity in the report that leads to a justified and defendable conclusionThe length of your paper should be greater than three substantial pages and must represent a complete document following the guidelines provided in the Project Room on the Accident Report Project tab. Please verify your paper addresses all of the project requirements.GradingYour first paper submission is the one that is graded. There are no extensions on the paper. Any paper received after the due date is graded down at least two grade points per day. Sorry, but we have many weeks to do this job. Part of an academic course is time management.Grading is based on proper APA style, format, and language and the ability to clearly illustrate the error sequence within the accident profile. ImportantYour paper will automatically be evaluated through Turnitin when you submit your assignment in this activity. Turnitin is a service that checks your work for improper citation or potential plagiarism by comparing it against a database of web pages, student papers, and articles from academic books and publications. Ensure that your work is entirely your own and that you have not plagiarized any material!