Engineering Homework Help
Answer all the questionWord limits 50-100) (i) What is
Answer all the question
Word limits 50-100)
(i) What is
a union query?
(ii) What is SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML)?
(iii) Why is MIS required?
(iv) Explain the impact of computer technology on our lifestyle?
(v) What do you mean by Relational Data Base Management system?
Note: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500)
Q. 2. What are the basic components of Data Base Management System? And explain the advantages and disadvantages of DBMS?
Q. 3. What is Data Base Security, explain Database Security Threats?
Q. 4. What is data integrity, explain integrity constraints?
I) A union query combines the result sets of several similar select queries. For example,suppose that you have one table that stores information about customers, another table that stores…