Engineering homework help

Engineering homework help. Create a 1 page essay paper that discusses Analyze a Poem of Your Choice.The poet uses hyperbola in the poem. The speaker in the poem exaggerates significantly the importance of bearing children. He even refers to living life without children as a waste of time. The poem also has an aspect of fiction. Fiction is something that is not factual. Immortality as we know is not factual. Hence, fiction displays itself where the poet refers to immortality.The poet uses a lot of rhyming in the poem. Specifically he uses eye rhymes. This is where a poet uses words that tend to look the same but are different in pronunciation. For instance in the stanzas “Sets you most rich in youth before my sight,” and “To change your day of youth to sullied night” (Whittemore p25). This is just but an example of where he has used rhyming as

Engineering homework help

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