English homework help

English homework help. Annotated Reference List
Here are some steps to consider when completing the assignment for this week. Make sure to use the template to help create this reference list. All major sections on the template should be included into your created reference list.
1. Please make sure that you have a title page that is APA formatted and that the margins of your paper are 1” all around. No abstract is necessary.
2. Locate 3 articles of interest from the GCU Library databases from your program of study. Please make sure these are “scholarly” meaning that they have been peer reviewed, are from an academic journal for your area of study (for example one of mine would be the Journal of Psychology and Christianity), and have been written by experts in your particular field who have been published before, or those who are professors at a college or university.
3. Write a short summary (no more than 3 paragraphs) of why these articles are interesting to you, how they are scholarly (per the criteria above), and what is their source of authority (Professional Journals associated with professional organizations for example: for healthcare they might be associated with American Medical Association, or CDC, etc) or the articles are in a journal published by a college or university. Please make sure to use appropriate citation within the body of the paper.
4. Please do not write 3 separate papers- the three articles should be summarized into one document answering the questions in step 3.
5. Write the reference list of the 3 articles in APA 6th edition format. I have posted an example of a reference list

English homework help

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