English homework help

This is a short paper that requires you to study the provided scenario, research its questions/problems, and provide analysis and recommendations.
Your boss has just heard about some nefarious computer activities called ping sweeps and port scans. He wants to know more about them and what their impact might be on the company. Write a brief description of what they are and include your assessment of whether the activities are something to worry about or not.

  • This is an individual assignment, i.e. not a team or partner assignment.
  • Use a three-paragraph format: an introduction/scenario recap, analysis, and conclusion.
  • Provide an APA style reference page with at least two references.
  • Double-spaced, font size 10 or 11.
  • 500 word minimum, not including your name, title, or references.


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Assignment Grading Rubric Points %
Assignment Content 30 75%
Required Length 6 15%
Spelling, Grammar, APA 4 10%
Total 40 100%

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