English homework help


In this assignment, you will share either a database source or an internet source you intend to use for your essay and find useful. In a post of no less than 250 words, include

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  • An accurate MLA citation for the source, including a URL to access the source
  • A response about why the source is useful. Consider including such information as why the author is credible, why the information is efficient/easy to understand/appropriate, how the information differs from other sources, and why the source stood out to you.
  • Finally, please tell us the characteristics of Millennials you have identified, and the tool/app/invention/product you intend to use as an example of Millennials spirit. This will help your peers get context for your research.

Complete this post by midnight on Thursday, June 25th. Respond to three of your peers’ posts by no later than midnight on Sunday, June 28th. In your reply of at least 150 words, focus on the value of the source, and how it either aligns or disagrees with your own research thus far.





1,000 word research paper

5 Sources

Copy of the articles used in a separate pdf

Work Cited Page

MLA Format 8th Edition


Topic: State your position on the product/tool/service/app that embodies the spirit of Millennial Generation in one or two sentences.

I chose youtube as the product/app that embodies the spirit of the millennial generation

My Thesis: Because YouTube allows for visual learning and acquisition of information, allows for collaboration in communications and corporate entertainment, and is resourceful concerning creating environmental awareness, it embodies the spirit of the millennial generation.