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Expository Essay Definition “Expository” in the context of essay writing may be substituted by “explanatory”.  Thus, the expository essay is an academic paper which is meant to explain something, to c

Expository Essay Definition

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“Expository” in the context of essay writing may be substituted by “explanatory”.  Thus, the expository essay is an academic paper which is meant to explain something, to convey a certain message. Your arguments should be objective rather than subjective, they should be supported with facts, not with your beliefs.  Opinion is often shared, but it should be presented as a conclusion, logically derived from the arguments.

Expository Writing – Organization and Structure

Expository Essay Writing Process includes the following stages:

  • Generate a hypothesis
  • Find evidence to support your idea
  • Shape arguments to back up your hypothesis

Structurally, your expository essay follows a general 5-paragraph essay model, containing:

  • An introduction (introducing the main idea of your      essay)
  • 3 body paragraphs (presenting the facts, that back up      your main idea)
  • Conclusion (expressing your own point of view in the      limelight of the evidence presented above).
  • Reminder: Refer to Style      Rules/Guidelines module for formatting guidelines

Expository Essay Writing Topic

· Describe the positive effect of social media