English Homework Help

Early childhood educators need to be advocates for young children and early childhood issues. Choose one issue related to early childhood education from the list below. These topics may also serve as

Early childhood educators need to be advocates for young children and early childhood issues. Choose one issue related to early childhood education from the list below. These topics may also serve as an option for your assignment.

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  • Cyber security
  • Online bullying
  • Screen time for young children
  • Free play in the classroom environment
  • Pressure from parents to perform above capability
  • Nutrition in the classroom and at lunch
  • Independence versus too much support
  • Achievement gap
  • Standardized testing of young children
  • Time outside
  • Resources for early childhood classrooms
  • Early childhood funding
  • Creative arts in the classroom
  • National issues
  • Local or state issues

Discuss your position related to the chosen issue and support it with research. Read and provide constructive feedback to your classmates.