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respond to this post with 250 words and 2 apa cites: Judy Mantle piece, Leadership for Special Services, discusses the importance of school leaders providing resources and support for special-needed

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Judy Mantle piece, Leadership for Special Services, discusses the importance of school leaders providing resources and support for special-needed individuals in order to reach their potential in education and in society.  In Mantle’s piece, she discusses five practices to help others understand the responsibilities of improving education for special-need students. Though all are very important, I believe selecting highly competent teachers and support personnel to work with special-needs is vital. She discusses that the turnover rate is high among teachers and working with special needs can be very stressful for teachers so she mentions, “Continue to develop them and reward them for their performance as appropriate (Mantle, 2013). I agree with her notion on finding the correct educators is a task, than providing the right material is a task, than trying to keep teachers motivated and appreciated is a task. I feel this is important because it is stressful dealing with special-need students and sometimes that word of encouragement can go a long way. An educator doesn’t seek glory or fame for actions such as teaching a student how to read, helping a student get a good grade on a math problem or just giving good advice. Supporting and developing teachers is very important but recognition can also help with turnover rates. Public recognition of hard work and accomplishments goes a long way in motivating teachers to keep up the hard work. By complimenting them in front of their peers, administrators help teachers gain a feeling of appreciation and gratitude. Certificates or awards may be given for classroom accomplishments or for simply going the extra mile (Wright, 2019).

Ethical Decisions

 Educational leaders and teachers must make correct decisions and display dignity to everyone. Educator’s respect towards the dignity of their students should also be manifested through how they fulfil their professional obligations. Ethics assist with individual ethical quandaries. Leaders must be aware of the beliefs they have and the dispositions they display because they have a profound influence on their behavior (Cordeiro & Cunningham, 18).


 Mantle, J. (2013). Leadership for special services. Educational Leadership: A bridge to improved practices. (Fifth Edition). Pearson Education Publishing. Pg 341-342

Cordeiro, Paula A & Cunningham, William G (2012). Educational leadership: a bridge to improved practice (Fifth edition). Pearson Education, Boston, Mass

Wright, V. (2019). Ideas for Motivating & Rewarding Educators for Their Hard Work. [Online] Work.chron.com. Available at: https://work.chron.com/ideas-motivating-rewarding-educators-hard-work-2618.html [Accessed 16 Oct. 2019