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Respond to this 250 words. 2 apa cites no older than 4 years old. Purpose of rubrics The purpose of a rubric is a scoring tool that teachers used to grade students work and set up a grading criteri

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Purpose of rubrics

The purpose of a rubric is a scoring tool that teachers used to grade students work and set up a grading criterion for assignments on many levels. A rubric defines in writing what is expected of the student to get a grade on an assignment it includes feedback on students work for example from excellent to needs improvement. Student can understand what level their exceeding and when they need support on to progress (Leader & Clinton, 2018).

How to use rubrics effectively 

When to know if it is a good rubric is when it shows different levels of quality for each of the criteria. How it qualifying students’ levels of performance it may be written as different rankings for example form Excellent, Good, Needs Improvement or as numerical grading 1-10 mechanics it can define the lowest level of performance can rate 0 needs improvement or 10 when the subject has been exceeded. Other examples are when scoring assignments such as grading  grammatical errors like misspellings, grammar, and punctuation errors to the  highest level as excellent such as spelled correctly like the ones we have in our blackboard are an example of effective rubrics that we can understand on what are the rubric is based on our grades scores for our assignments (Leader & Clinton, 2018).

Example of High-quality rubric

Examples of a high-quality rubric that I can provide as I mentioned is our blackboard rubric can be an example that we can all relate is the rubric that our professors go through to understand teacher expectations of student’s assignment, providing focused feedback in our work progress, criteria selected and the descriptions of the levels of performance under each. Effective rubrics have appropriate criteria and well-written descriptions of performance and grading final products to know in what areas specific the student needs focus on improvement (Leader & Clinton, 2018).


Leader, D. C., & Clinton, M. S. (2018). Student Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Rubrics. Journal of Business & Educational Leadership, 8(1), 86–99. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=134326665&site=ehost-live