English Homework Help
Respond 250 words. Ask a question in responce. 2 APA citations not older than 4 years Performance-based assessment is one alternative to traditional methods of testing student achievement. While
Respond 250 words. Ask a question in responce. 2 APA citations not older than 4 years
Performance-based assessment is one alternative to traditional methods of testing student achievement. While traditional testing requires students to answer questions correctly often in a multiple-choice test, performance-based assessment requires students to demonstrate knowledge, and skills including the process by which they solve problems. Performance assessments are also appropriate for determining if students are achieving the higher standards set by states for all students. Performance-based assessments share the key characteristic of accurately measuring one or more specific course standards. Performance-based learning is when students participate in performing tasks or activities that are meaningful and engaging. The purpose of this kind of learning is to help students acquire and apply knowledge, practice skills, and develop independent and collaborative work habits. The culminating activity or product for performance-based learning is one that lets a student demonstrate evidence of understanding through a transfer of skills. A performance-based assessment is open-ended and without a single, correct answer, and it should demonstrate authentic learning , such as the creation of a newspaper or class debate. The benefit of performance-based assessments is that students who are more actively involved in the learning process absorb and understand the material at a much deeper level. Other characteristics of performance-based assessments are that they are complex and time-bound. In this performance assessment students applied their knowledge of multiplication with their skills in writing cohesive explanatory texts. Students researched using multiple media and planned a field trip to a location of their choice, calculating the costs of the trip including the bus ride. Students then wrote an expert book describing their field trip and completed the performance assessment by presenting their books to their classmates. Finally, students voted for the field trip, they wanted to attend.
Question 2.
Summative Assessment
- Allow the students to create their models with factors less than 50 by drawing and labeling an array of their choice on graph paper.
- The teacher will walk the room and monitor the students. This will allow the teacher to determine which students will need interventions immediately, are successful or need to be enriched.
- The teacher will look for: building the array correctly within 100, (in straight rows, the correct number of counters in each row, etc.), labeling the array correctly, and writing the equation so that it matches the array.
- The teacher will collect the students’ work to analyze and sort into groups for additional guidance and support during small groups.
- The students will have demonstrated mastery when they can create array models with products within 100, can use the information in the array to find the product, can identify the equal groups and write an equation to match the model.
Formative Assessment
- Assess students’ prior knowledge with a warm-up activity.
- Give each student an index card and ask him or her to work on the following problem individually.
Create an array for 4×5. Write an addition problem to express the total number of objects displayed in the array”.
Allow the students 5 minutes to work on the problem individually.
At the end of 5 minutes, collect the cards and sort into two groups, by Yes (correct) and No (incorrect) answers.
Select an incorrect response that can promote a strong discussion about the problem.
Transfer the selected problem on the board or another card under the document camera so that the original work is not posted to the class.
Beginning the positives, ask the students to highlight and discuss the things that the student did correct in the problem.
Highlight and discuss the steps that the student took that were incorrect.
The index cards and discussion will allow the teacher to gather more information on students who need additional support or enrichment in this lesson.