English homework help

English homework help.

The purpose of a Reading Reflection Paper is understand your informed opinions about what you may have learned from the text.
Each  reader will respond to the text differently based on their personal  experiences and lifestyles. Keeping this in mind, the purpose of this  paper is to consider how these ideas reflect, contradict, or align with  your interpretations.
This will be an opportunity for you to recognize and challenge your opinions.
Here is a list of the basic requirements:
1. The paper must be written in MLA format. If this is not done you will lose points.
2. Each paper must be 550 – 750 words.
3. Outside sources are not required – just use the text that you are responding to.
4. Writing must be formal language with correct spelling and punctuation.
5. Each paper must take one idea/topic from the text and write about it – do not summarize.
6. When composing your  paper think of the following: What is the one new thing that you have  learned? Or it could be the one thing that disturbed you the most. How  does the learning of that one thing challenge your prior ideas (or  support them)? And how does learning this affect your view of the world  around you?
7. Remember: This paper is  meant to help you find what is meaningful to you in the reading. I do  not need you to summarize the material. I want to know what it means to  you.
8. Check the rubric and the samples for Reflection Papers and make sure to ask questions as needed.
Here is the link to read the story:
Submit in a Word document to the link below. Make sure it is formatted according to MLA.

English homework help

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