English Homework Help

Instructions: Read and annotate an essay (chosen for Essay #1 from the assignment sheet) and then answer the questions below. 1. What is the title of the essay and who wrote it? 2. What is the

Instructions: Read and annotate an essay the attached essay and then answer the questions below.

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1.    What is the title of the essay and who wrote it?

2.    What is the essay’s thesis statement? (this may have to be put in your own words if not directly stated)

3.    In your own words, what is the essay about? (try to express this objectively in 2-4 sentences- avoid a lot of detail)

4.    Is the author credible/believable? Provide two or three examples of how you know (give page numbers for specific examples).

5.    Are the arguments logical? Provide two or three examples of logical arguments (give page numbers for specific examples).

6.    Are there any examples that don’t express the writer’s emotion but try to affect the emotions of the reader? Give one or two examples and a brief explanation of what the writer is trying to make the reader feel (give page numbers for specific examples).

7.    Is the writer’s purpose for writing to persuade the readers to believe or act a certain way or simply inform them about the subject?

8.    In what way(s) are the examples and explanations the writer uses effective or not effective for the writer’s purpose for writing (above)?

9.    So what could readers gather about the strategies for writing about a subject similar to the one the author chose?

10.  Use the following template to express what you would want your readers to know about how and why the author uses the rhetorical appeals. (Replace the lines with your words)

____________________ effectively / ineffectively (choose one) uses the rhetorical appeals of ___________________ to support his / her argument that ______________________.