English homework help

Topic. Each student’s is required to do a short, three (3) section paper examining the principal
problem facing the policy makers and/or one of the major developments other than the
CORONAVIRUS in one of the following countries since 2014 (that is, over the last 5 years)::
Bosnia, France, Macedonia, Slovakia, Germany, or Hungary.
Designed to give the student a deeper feel for the problems of governance in a Western or
post-Communist state in Europe than the textbook’s coverage, the paper should clearly indicate
in its first section what that problem is/are and why it or they necessitated policy level attention.
The section must include a short timeline for the 2014-2019 period indicating when and how
these issues, conflicts, problems, etc. arose.
The second section should indicate who the principal actors are in the decision making
process addressing the problem.
Lastly, a third section should analyze the policies being chosen to deal with the problem(s)
and the degree to which they are succeeding or are likely to succeed. The paper should be
between 6-8 double spaced pages in length but may be slightly longer if necessary. In no case,
however, should the study exceed 10 pages of text, excluding the Timeline, footnotes or
endnotes, and the Bibliography.
Presentation. All papers must be documented, and include a bibliographical list of sources,
including the website and dates of access of any Internet sources used in researching the
paper. As for documentation, if in doubt, document. No one has ever gotten into trouble in
terms of plagiarism by overly documenting.
The papers must also be well written. This is a college course, even if an introductory one.
Papers are therefore expected to be written and submitted with proper grammar, in typed form,
and without typographical or spelling errors. So…proofread carefully.
Research Requirements. Though short, the paper is meant to be a genuine research piece, not
a cut-and-paste operation involving a summary of the information in one or two sources. It also
means going beyond Web Sites to the extent possible. Hence, research on this assignment
should involve at least five different sources drawn from at least two (2) different resource bases
(the Internet sources, books, scholarly articles, interviews, recent newspaper accounts, etc),
And remember, Wikipedia is NOT a reliable source. It has become better in policing its many
inaccuracies; however, any Site on which anyone can post is ultimately of reliable value to no
one. So be sure you know who your sources are in terms of the authority (person) and
organization. Happily, the Internet lets you check both with a few seconds extra work on
Google or whatever search engine you use..

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