Financial markets homework help

Financial markets homework help. 100 points in total.

  1. What is (are) the best decision(s) you have made throughout the 16 quarters of playing? Please explain why you think it is (they are) the best decision(s). (10 points)
  2. What is (are) the worst decision(s) you have made throughout the 16 quarters of playing? Please explain why you think it is (they are) the best decision(s). (10 points)
  3. Did you get a labor strike warning? How did you address the strike warning? Why? If the labor strike actually happened, what is the consequence? And what did you do in the later quarter to make up the loss? (10 points)
  4. Did you use advertisement? If yes, explain why you made this decision and what the effects were. If no (2 points off), explain why you did not use it. (5 points)
  5. Did you use sales discount? If yes, explain why you made this decision and what the effects were. If no (5 points off), explain why you did not use it. (10 points)
  6. Did you do any short-term investment? If yes, explain why you made this decision and what the returns were. If no, explain why you did not use it. (5 points)
  7. Performance evaluation for Quarter 16:
    1. Print the financial statements of Quarter 16. (5 points)
    2. Please show how you price your product in Q16. Show your calculation. (10 points)
    3. Provide a financial ratio analysis of your performance of Q16. You need to calculate at least one ratio to analyze the following categories. (15 points)
      1. Accounting returns
      2. Efficiency measure
      3. Profitability
      4. Financial leverage
      5. Liquidity
    4. Compare your performance of Q7-Q16 to your performance of Q1-Q6 and summarize your improvements on decision-making and performance. Please use DuPont analysis. (15 points)
    5. Write a brief paragraph about how your overall performance is and what you learned from playing FinGame5.0. (5 points)

Financial markets homework help

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