Gender Studies homework help

Gender Studies homework help. I need help on this I need to have solutions I can follow in order to solve these on test. where u is a dimensionless number defined as follows:u = (r2 S)/(4tT ) For a given radius (distance) r from the pumping well, and given time of measurement t after pumping started.When u is small, the W(u) function becomes large and drawdowns are large. When u is large, the W(u) function becomes small and drawdowns are small.Look carefully at the definition of u and relate this to the definition of the Fourier number at the end of chapter 6. Briefly discuss how the u value relates to the Fourier number and what the analogies are between the particular parameters in each definition. Explain physically how the Fourier number, the time constant for a groundwater basin (T*), and the diffusivity interact during a pumping test to allow us to predict how quickly (or slowly) a pumping test will cause drawdown and how quickly (or slowly) a system will reach equilibrium (steady state) after pumping has started.

Gender Studies homework help

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