Geography Homework Help

Cultural geography You’ll complete your Puerto Rico research paper. You will add a minimum of two additional pages to the first half of the paper is attached.        this unit should contain the follo

Cultural geography

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You’ll complete your Puerto Rico research paper. You will add a minimum of two additional pages to the first half of the paper is attached.        this unit should contain the following:

  • Step 1: Make any needed revisions to the Unit V submission and use this as the first half of your Unit VII paper. 
  • Step 2: Add at least two additional pages of content about solutions to address the problems you presented in the first two pages of the paper in Unit V. You must include at least two different solutions. Make sure to include both source material and your own analysis regarding the solutions. Additionally, discuss the following topics in your paper: 

In this final draft, include the sources from your first draft and at least one additional source from the CSU Online Library. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.