Government homework help

question 1

The way you craft your argument will determine, to a large extent, how you are perceived by your audience. If your argument is well-constructed, well-supported, and appropriately worded to target your specific audience, you will hit a home-run. However, this is much easier to say than to do. There are many pitfalls that might prevent your success. There are many important things to consider when crafting an argument. What is the context for your argument and how does this relate to the goals of the audience? How can your argument best be persuasive? What is the “right” kind of evidence? Is it okay to appeal to emotions? How do you avoid logical fallacies? How can you improve and support the development of your ethos?

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There are many topical issues involving technology, such as privacy, use of data security, streaming, use of media for example. In a report, select a topic and write a persuasive argument following all steps outlined.

question 2

In order to find the best design for your documents or site it is important that you have a firm grasp on what your goals are for any piece of writing. Do you want to entertain, to sell, to perform a task, or to teach? You must also keep your rhetorical strategy in mind as you consider document design. Are you planning to focus mainly on logos, pathos, or ethos? Perhaps you are trying to balance all three. What is the age and demographic of your target audience? What are their needs in relation to the document? Do they have a disability? Do they come from a different culture?

Select a technology oriented site (examples: Apple, Amazon, Intel) and review the site in the light of the design principles discussed in Chapter 11.