Government homework help

Government homework help.

Graded Discussion #2

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You can click on the links at anytime, think about what you want to write, and then start writing for your submission. Students only get ONE post and you should respond to at least 2 other posts. Additionally,  your submission cannot be similar to the submission of someone else.  You should plan before writing your post and submitting it. No attachments are allowed. Type your submission in the textbox. Your submission must be at least 400 words (not including documentation/citations) and your replies to other posts must be at least 5 well developed sentences.
This graded discussion is based on guided writing.  In order to be successful on this discussion, you need to CLEARLY demonstrate an understanding of the information and the questions presented.  OPINIONS need to be based on EVIDENCE.  This means you need to provide documentation for statements.  Following directions is important.
You will be given article(s) to read, then you will provide your opinions on the topic and provide evidence for your position.
Review the following helpful links prior to responding to the discussion questions:

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Click on the above link(s) and read the article(s).  Then respond to ALL of the questions below.  In order to receive full credit for the discussion, you have to follow the guidelines provided. Remember to incorporate the articles/podcast in your response.  This means that you must briefly summarize and then make connections to them in your response.
Discussion Questions: Coronavirus impact on governing in Texas  
1.  How does the response to the coronavirus crisis reflect the federal system? Can state and local governments address the crisis alone? On what basis should the federal government provide aid to the states? (Elaborate on your statements and provide evidence using information from the links provided and additional resources.)
2.  Based on course topics, why is this topic relevant to the study of government? (This means that you need to make a connection between the article’s topic and at least one topic in the course and provide evidence.)
You MUST document/cite your submission with in text citations and works cited or you will receive a 0!  NO PLAGIARISM is allowed!  If you copy any portion of your submission from external sources, you will receive a 0!  Do not use phrases/quotes from the assigned link or external links to write your response.
Remember:  Your grade is based on following the directions carefully, your understanding of the topic presented, and your clear responses to the questions presented.

Government homework help