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Chamberlain University Wk 6 EBP Change Process Form ACE Star Model Questions

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  • QUESTION      1 Planning for our patients during times of transitions (for example:      hospital to home, home to rehabilitation facility) involves collaboration      with a number of healthcare professionals. Please address the following      questions:
    • How       does your facility promote interprofessional collaboration during times       of patient transitions?
    • What       is the role of the nurse in patient transitions?
    • What       gaps can you identify in this process related to quality of care? (If you       are not currently in practice, please use a previous role or clinical       experience in your answers.)
    1. Please        review the infographic as way to guide you in getting started with your        assignment: Developing an Assignment        with Integrity (Links to an external site.)
    2. View        a short tutorial with tips for completing this assignment: iCARE Paper Tutorial (Links        to an external site.)
    3. Getting        Started: Interprofessional        teams are part of practice trends we see developing in all aspects of        care delivery. Consider you own work environment (or recent clinical        setting).
      • For this assignment, consider         the concept of interprofessional teamwork and patient outcomes.
      • Look to your current workplace         as an example. (If you are not currently employed, look to a past         workplace or clinical practice area.)
      • Apply the components of the         iCARE concept to interprofessional teams in a short paper. (Body         of the paper to be 3 pages, excluding the title page and references         page)
      • iCARE components are:
        • C ompassion
        • A dvocacy
        • R esilience
        • E vidence-Based Practice (EBP)
      • How could you contribute to an         interprofessional team and patient outcomes through nursing actions of:         compassion, advocacy, resilience, and evidence-based practice?
    4. Select one        scholarly nursing article from CINAHL as a resource        for your paper.
      • Additional scholarly sources         can be used but are optional.
      • When searching in the CINAHL         database, please limit your search word to one component of the paper         you wish to emphasize, such as ‘Resilience’. Searching for the term         iCARE will not produce the results you need.
    5. Elements        of iCARE paper
      • Title page
      • Below are the headings to be         used for this assignment.
        • Introduction: (No          heading needed here in APA) Explain the type of work setting you are          discussing and whether interprofessional teams are currently present.          If interprofessional teams are present, indicate a team function that          could be improved. If interprofessional teams are NOT present,          indicate what type of team you think might be possible in the setting.
        • Describe a nursing          action item for each component below that could contribute          to: interprofessional team support; how this might impact          the culture of your unit or organization; and possible impact          on patient outcomes.
          • Compassion
          • Advocacy
          • Resilience
          • Evidence-Based Practice
        • Summary: Include          a summary statement of how iCARE components can support interprofessional          teams and patient outcomes. Address how you may be able to influence          this process of support for interprofessional teams overall in your          unit or organization.
        • References: List any          references used in APA format.


The prepared paper template is RECOMMENDED for this assignment.iCare Assignment Template (Links to an external site.) – APA 7th editionOnly the APA 7th edition is to be used in this assignment.


  • Please        use your browser’s File setting to save or print this page.
  • The        template provided is recommended.
  • Spell        check for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission.?
  • Use        the rubric as a final check prior to submission to ensure all content is        clearly addressed.?


  • Use        APA format for citations and references.
  • Please        paraphrase throughout. One short quote is permitted
  • 4.Transformational        leaders influence those around them and therefore have the potential to        alter the culture of a unit or organization. Please address the        following topics:
    • Summarize your general beliefs         of what makes a good leader.
    • Regarding the transformational         leadership skills discussed in our required article reading, how do you         think your leadership style is perceived by others?
    • What aspect of the TEACH values         discussed in the lesson do you think would most benefit your work         environment if adopted?


Please do not use any of the Nurse Daniel information for your own topic, nursing intervention, or change project. Nurse Daniel serves as an example only to illustrate the change process.

  1. Please          review the infographic as way to guide you in getting started with          your assignment: Developing an Assignment          with Integrity (Links to an external site.)
  2. View          a short tutorial with tips for completing this assignment: Evidence-Based Practice          Change Process Assignment Tutorial (Links to an external          site.) or by reading the transcript (Links          to an external site.).
  3. Download          the EBP Change Process form (Links          to an external site.) during Week 1. The use          of this specific form is REQUIRED
  4. Identify          a clinical topic and related nursing practice issue          you think needs to be changed.
  5. Locate          a systematic review on your topic from the CCN Library databases. Be          sure this involves nursing actions.
  6. Work          through each step of the ACE Star Model as outlined on the assignment          form (Star Points 1-5: Discovery, Summary, Translation,          Implementation, and Evaluation). Respond to the instructions provided          on the form.
  7. Follow          the activities and thinking of Nurse Daniel in Weeks 1-6 in the          ‘Illustration’ part of each lesson. He will be working through a          clinical topic and nursing practice issue to demonstrate a change (ACE          Star Model and systematic review).
  8. Work          on a portion of the process each week, as the illustration unfolds.


  • Please reach out to your          instructor for feedback or assistance with your PICOT question as          needed.
  • Required and Additional          Background Reading in Weeks 1 and 2 under Readings is available for          more information on the ACE Star Model and the use of systematic          reviews.
  • Please see the grading          criteria and rubrics on this page.
  • Please use your browser’s File          setting to save or print this page.


  • Please cite any references (in          APA format) of your systematic review or other scholarly document          (optional) as needed.
  • Paraphrasing information,          rather than quoting, is expected. No quotes for this          assignment please!

    • QUESTION Four 
    • The Centers for Disease          Control and Prevention, Division of Informatics and Surveillance          website contains a number of resources nurses could innovatively          incorporate in care delivery. The CDC Wonder site could be utilized by          nurses in a number of ways. (Links          to an external site.)For this discussion you will:
      • Identify one of the resources           at the CDC Wonder site above and describe how a nurse might use this           information in practice.
      • How might nurses utilizing           telehealth benefit from these resources?
      • Address what you find           innovative about the link.
      • Feel free to share some of           your nursing innovation ideas, !

American Nurses Association. (2015). Nursing: scope and standards of practice (3rd ed.). Silver Spring, MD: Author.

  • 31-37; 69-70; 79-81