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University of Texas at Arlington Personal Plan for Aging Well Paper
Instructions for the Final.
YOU are the subject of the Final in this course! The goal of the Final is for you to create your own plan for aging well. In this way you will be actively using and applying what you have learned throughout the course to your own health and well-being.
The second goal for the Final is to develop insight and empathy for helping others during their journey to age well. One way to build the skill-set for helping and educating others is to first help and educate yourself. By doing first for ourselves what we may be asking others to do for their own benefit, we learn to “walk our talk” — that is, we know from experience how to do, apply, create, discern, and use our learning for our own and others’ benefit.
Throughout this course you may have picked up a theme – be prepared to age and know how to age well. Great, but what exactly does that mean? And further more, what exactly would a healthy aging plan or preparation look like? What is are the differences between a “good” plan and a “doable plan” or a “realistic plan” and an “unrealistic plan”? Plans can be fashioned out of pretty words and phrases and look good on paper but be completely impractical when put into practice. One way to check yourself is to seek the input from others. Sometimes, having someone else review your work help you to see areas you may have missed or areas in a plan that need polish. In order to help ensure you are on a right and realistic path, you will be required to seek feedback from a person/people who have walked this path before you – your older adults. By going to a primary source for information and feedback, you also will practicing a skill for creating relevant health promotion material – checking back with the people you wish to serve. Then, as further back-up, you will also be looking into scholarly research to show support for your ideas and plans.
Personal Plan for Aging Well Instructions:
You will be composing a formal paper 5-7 page, APA formatted (double spaced, 12 font) which will include all the elements listed below. Use a cover sheet, in-text citations in the paper where needed and a reference list. As you read through the list, consider the following prompting questions as a guide for getting started with your plan. These questions include:
This would be your paper’s introductory paragraph(s) for the reader:
- What kind of healthy older adult do you want to be?
- Who do you want to be and what do you want to be able to do?
- How are you going to grow into becoming this healthy older adult?
- What do you need in order to achieve these aspirations?
- How will you use your learning from this class and from other older adults who have gone before you to become the healthy older adult you wish to be?
1. Areas to address in your plan (the body of your paper): In your paper/plan be sure to address all the following areas of aging and health.
- Physical
- Emotional
- Social/Family
- Financial
- Late Life Care
- End of Life
Remember, to fully address each of the above areas of aging and health you will need to note:
- knowledge
- resources
- assistance
- research support
- the what, when, how and why of each aspect of your plan.
2. Feedback from an older adult or configuration from other resources: 1. Once you have created your initial plan and included all of the elements listed above, if possible without placing yourself or the older adult at risk from the COVID-19 virus, you are to share your plan with an older adult of your choice for feedback. OR 2. If sharing your healthy aging plan with an older adult is not possible without COVID-19 risk to you or an older adult, you may rely on the use portions of the textbook, other resources shared in this course by me or your classmates, or peer-reviewed research you have found on your own. Some of the questions about your healthy aging plan you will want to verify should include:
- Is my healthy aging plan realistic?
- Is my healthy aging plan comprehensive?
- What am I missing or what haven’t I thought of including?
- What would the older adult to whom you are showing your plan or the course materials (if you are not able to share your healthy aging plan with an older adult) suggest might be added add to your healthy aging plan to make it better?
- After you have written about the older adult’s feedback or identified course materials to critique your healthy aging plan,, then describe how did you used the feedback from the older adult or course materials to modify your plan.
3. Reflections on Learning (the Summary paragraph): Include in your plan the following
- Specific references to the course assignments, text book, supplemental materials , etc. and how/why you used them to shape your plan
- Specific references to actual resources in your community that you would use or will use to fulfill your plan
- Reflection on how your learning and participation in the course shaped your ability to create this plan
- Discussion of what you wish to continue learning, and how you will continue to seek answers to the questions you still have.