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Columbia University Conflict Resolution in the Workplace Annotated Bibliography

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Week 4 Assignment 1: Annotated Bibliography—Conflict Resolution

Value: 100 points

Due: Day 7

Grading Category: Annotated Bibliography Assignments

Read three scholarly articles on nursing and conflict management. Complete an annotated bibliography by summarizing and critically analyzing each article separately (250–300 words for each article’s annotated bibliography).

For each article, determine the following:

Select relevant sources.
Summarize the purpose of the article, point, or argument that the author is attempting to make.
Analyze the quality of the article by providing relevant details about the author’s credentials and authority to write the article, the level of writing and intended audience, the legitimacy of the content, and any limitations or weaknesses of the author’s or the writing.
Evaluate the value of the article content to assignment objectives, course objectives, and nursing in general.
Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.

Annotated Bibliography Rubric
Note: An appropriate scholarly resource for this assignment is a current (within five years) evidence-based practice article from a peer-reviewed journal. Review assignment instructions for any additional requirements such as number of annotations to include.

Annotated Bibliography Rubric – 100 Points
Criteria Exemplary
Exceeds Expectations Advanced
Meets Expectations Intermediate
Needs Improvement Novice
Inadequate Total Points
Identifies Relevant Sources

Selected articles: Relate directly to the topic and report results of empirical research studies conducted by the authors.

15 points Relate directly to the topic and include two original research studies.

13 points May or may not relate directly to the topic and include only one original research study.

11 points Do not clearly relate to the topic and do not include original research.

10 points 15
Annotation summarizes the article’s
Point or argument
Each annotation: Summarizes in the student’s own words—the purpose of the study, sample description, tool(s) used, significant findings, and point or argument that the author is trying to make.

20 points Summarizes in the student’s own words—the purpose of the article and point or argument that the author is trying to make.

17 points Summarizes the purpose of the article with reliance on quotations.

15 points Summarizes the article with reliance on quotations and without a clear identification of purpose.

13 points 20
Annotation analyzes quality of each article’s
Author credentials and authority
Level of writing
Intended audience
Legitimacy of content
Limitations/ weaknesses
Each annotation: Provides relevant detail to analyze each component of criteria.

20 points Analyzes each component of criteria but may miss relevant detail for one area.

17 points Misses relevant detail or two areas of identified criteria.

15 points Misses three or more areas of identified criteria.

13 points 20
Annotation evaluates value of each article to
Assignment objectives
Course objectives
Nursing in general
Each annotation: Evaluates the usefulness or value of the article’s content by aligning significant findings or results to assignment and course objectives, and nursing in general.

25 points Evaluates the usefulness or value of the articles content to assignment and course objectives, and nursing in general.

22 points Misses one or two components of evaluation.

19 points Misses three or more components of evaluation.

17 points 25
Each annotation: Evaluates each article in a concise, logical flow of ideas, and is without repetition.

10 points Evaluates two articles with a logical flow of ideas and is without repetition.

8 points Evaluates a single article with errors in flow of ideas.

7 points Evaluates a single article with errors in flow of ideas significantly distracting from content.

6 points 10
APA Reference:
Each reference: Meets all format criteria.

5 points Has one consistent format error.

4 points Has two consistent format errors.

3 points Has more than two format errors.

2 points 5
Grammar and Spelling

Each annotation: Avoids awkward transitions, overuse of conjunctions, spelling, word-usage, or punctuation errors.

5 points Has less than two grammar, word-usage, spelling, or punctuation errors.

4 points Has three or more grammar, spelling, word-usage, or punctuation errors.

3 points Has grammar, spelling, word-usage, and punctuation errors that significantly distract from content.

2 points 5