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Utah State University Wk 5 Personal Theory Development Discusion Responses

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Chailendra posted:

Conceptual-Theoretical-Empirical Model (CTE)

Compromised airways reduces oxygenation

Oxygenation-“interventions that provide greater oxygen supply to the lungs and thus circulation” (n.d., 2012)


We may have been taught in a cardiopulmonary resuscitation class (CPR) or have witnessed that a compromised airway (Concept a) reduces (proposition) oxygenation (Concept b). The importance of an airway has been ingrained in us; the human body needs oxygen to survive (Schereen, Belda, & Perel, 2018). We can utilize that knowledge to determine the same rules would apply to a person whether they are breathing from a tracheostomy airway versus an oral airway.

Theoretically, we can then arrive at the conclusion that if we unblock the airway that there will potentially be an improvement with oxygenation. If the airway is left compromised than operationally the patient may offer information that they are experiencing difficulty with breathing by either verbal or non-verbal communication. Staff should provide assistance up to their scope of practice to assist the patient. Henderson’s Nursing Needs Theory depicts nursing staff helping patients or an individual with basic needs such as breathing, “to assist the individual, sick or well, in the performance of those activities contributing to health or its recovery (or to a peaceful death)” (Utley, Henry, & Smith, 2018).


In a research study data collection of patients subjective and objective assessment before tracheostomy (trach) care and afterwards would be collected. The patient’s oxygen saturations would need to be assessed prior to any intervention. This information can then be recorded in the vital sign assessment record of the patient’s charts. Next trach care would need to be performed every one to two hours by licensed personnel. The assessment of output from trach would need to be documented for color, consistency, and amount. After trach care is completed oxygen saturations would need to be obtained again along with a respiratory assessment and documented for any complications, distress as well as improvements. Tools such as the oxygen reserve index (ORI) can be utilized to assess for early symptoms of oxygenation efficacy (Schereen, Belda, & Perel, 2018). The trend of oxygenation, sputum status, trach changes and respiratory assessments can be followed providing data for overall patient oxygenation status and of course any subjective information from the patient. That data could then be evaluated by comparison on a local or national level to determine if the interventions were more effective, effective, or least effective in comparison with other practices. Improve interventions as necessitated.

Peer Responses:

  • Due: Monday, 11:59 pm PT
  • Length: A minimum of 150 words per post, not including references
  • Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA per post from within the last 5 years