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Florida National University Community Nursing Discussion Questions

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This week’s course content focuses on communicable and infectious diseases; something I think COVID-19 made the whole world aware of. The first part of this assignment will require you to watch the movie The Normal Heart (promise you will not be disappointed) and then the TedTalk by Soka Moses about the Ebola outbreak. 

While watching these two ‘videos’, I want you to switch gears and see yourself not as a nursing student but rather as a registered nurse responsible for working during a global pandemic such as COVID-19 or SARS or Ebola. 

Movie Link to The Normal Heart

TedTalk: For survivors of Ebola, the crisis isn’t over: by Soka Moses given March 21, 2018 before the COVID-19 pandemic. (

Question 1: What are some of your original thoughts after watching these two ‘videos’ from the perspective of a nurse. Describe 3 things that genuinely surprised you while watching the videos? Discuss two to three things you learned from watching the videos? Describe how the videos impacted you on both a personal and professional level. Describe at least two things that you feel will impact your practice as a nurse after watching these two videos. (now a lot of these questions are probably going to overlap so the questions are meant to guide your response; so make sure to address each but in a way that you do not need to repeat yourself) 

Question 2: Describe at least 3 to 4 similarities between the outbreak of HIV/AIDS and Ebola and COVID19. Make sure that you provide sufficient details and depth to the answer demonstrating that you have watched the movie and the TedTalk by Soka Moses. There is again no right or wrong answer here but rather bring together your individual experience with COVID-19 as a nursing student and as an individual as well as the knowledge you attain from watching the two videos. 

Question 3: Describe how you understand the role of the community health nurse during the initial outbreak of a global pandemic such as Ebola. I want each of you to specifically discuss how your role is going to change upon graduation from being a student nurse to being a registered nurse in the community or hospital setting during a global pandemic. Discuss topics such as stigma, ethical responsibility, concerns, humanity, fears, etc. Tie together the various pieces of the videos you watched with your own thoughts and understanding. The discussion post is a safe space and I want to genuinely hear each of your thoughts and feelings when considering yourself as the frontline nurse providing care to patients both in the initial outbreak phase and then as the outbreak continues (hospitals are still full of patients with COVID-19). For instance, when COVID-19 initially broke out many nurses (as well as other healthcare professionals) were required to work and care for COVID-19 patients without their organizations providing them with sufficient PPE and many became sick or died.

Discussion Protocol:

Please observe the following 3 x 3 rule: when writing your weekly discussions: – A minimum of three paragraphs per entire DQ (meaning you do not have to have 3 paragraphs in response to each Question 1, 2, & 3 but rather there needs to be a total of at least 3 paragraphs within the initial discussion posting). Each paragraph should have a minimum of three sentences. Remember that peer responses need to be substantive and extend the original discussion posting by making connections, relating to others’ ideas and adding supporting detail (Again you do not need to follow the 3×3 rule in peer responses but you do need to ensure that your peer responses are substantive and ADD something to the original posting). Refer to grading rubric, to receive full credit each portion of the discussion posting must be addressed along with the 2 peer responses.