History homework help

History homework help. Part 1: Complete an assessment in your specialization area (Mental Health Counselor). Once you have completed the assessment, discuss your expectations for the assessment,Complete an assessment in your specialization area (Mental Health Counselor),Assessment Completion and Review of Assessment Constructs,Links:, ,https://capellauniversity.libguides.com/c.php?g=197696&p=1301105, ,http://media.capella.edu/NonCourseMedia/library/findingTestsAndMeasures/frameWrapper.asp,Part 1:, Complete an assessment in your specialization area (Mental Health Counselor). Once you have completed the assessment, discuss your expectations for the assessment, the degree of complexity of the assessment items or questions, the perceived relevance of the assessment, and your anticipated results versus actual results (in general). Also, analyze the relevance to your specialization and ethical use of the assessment. Please note that you must take this assessment yourself. Do not administer the assessment to another person(s). Part of the focus of this assignment is to examine your own experience with, and reactions to, the assessment.,Part 2:, Read the reviews of the assessment in the MMY, or from the Capella University Library, and perform the following actions.,Further, examine the key test measurement constructs of reliability and validity for the assessment. You will want to describe the methods used to acquire reliability and validity for the assessment.,Additionally, describe how results of the assessment are interpreted. For example, describe how scores are interpreted in comparison to group means and norms (for a standardized or norm-referenced test) or to cutoff scores (for criterion-referenced test).,Moreover, how are scores on this assessment in correlation with other tests that measure the same construct?,Analyze the ,effectiveness, of the selected assessment tool in your specialization area incorporating a minimum of six scholarly research studies.,Based on the review of the literature, evaluate if the assessment is clear in its application of measurement concepts. Please use the Assignment Template listed under Resources to compose your assessment constructs paper.,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

History homework help

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