History homework help

 A “reading response” asks the reader (you) to examine, explain and defend her/his personal reaction to our course readings. You will be asked to explore why you like or dislike the reading, explain whether you agree or disagree with the author, identify the reading’s purpose, and critique the text. There is no right or wrong answer to a reader response. Nonetheless, it is important that you demonstrate an understanding of the reading and clearly explain and support your reactions. Please select one (1) of the following articles (all articles are posted on Blackboard) for Reading Response Paper #2: 1) “Why Watts Exploded: How the Ghetto Fought Back” 2) “Black Panther Party: 1966-1982” Your response should include the following: 1) Summary: A brief summary, which highlights the most important points from the assigned reading 2) Reaction: (a) Your opinion and thoughts on the article and whether or not you agree with the way the author has covered the topic presented (b) An interesting quote from the reading that resonated with you or got your attention (c) Questions that may have developed in your mind as you read the article 3) Proper Formatting: The specified formatting requirements: 2 pages, 12-point font, double-spaced

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