History Homework Help
2. How can we study regional integration across different geographic regions? (Karns and Mingst, International
2. How can we study regional integration across different geographic regions? (Karns and Mingst, International
Organizations, Chapts 5. Pp. 147 – 153)
3. To what extent is the Asia’s Regional Organizations different than other organizations? (Karns and Mingst, International Organizations, Chapts 5. Pp. 188 – 190)
4. How can we differentiate between NGOs, Foundations, and MNCs? (Karns and Mingst, International Organizations, Chapts 6. Pp. 221 – 228).
5. What factor explain the growth of NGOs? (Karns and Mingst, International Organizations, Chapts 6. Pp. 230 – 234)