History Homework Help

World War II produced many of the most renowned political world leaders in Europe and the West. Each of these leaders had his own political and social ideologies that greatly influenced the new leader

World War II produced many of the most renowned political world leaders in Europe and the West. Each of these leaders had his own political and social ideologies that greatly influenced the new leaders of the Asian and African nations in their quest for independence after World War II.

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In this Discussion, you will analyze the major developments of post–World War II and their impact on the new leaders of Asia and Africa as they became free from the control of European and Western nations. You will also uncover the influence that European and Western leaders left with these new leaders as they continued their struggle for independence.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review the readings in this week’s Learning Resources regarding Asian and African thoughts about Western influences and impacts.
  • Reflect upon Western political thought and institutions as they appear in the Japanese Constitution of 1946, Mao’s reflections of China’s revolutionary history in 1949, and Kwame Nkrumah’s analysis of African nationalist movements.
  • Think about how African and Asian colonies fought to rebuild after World War II, and how they struggled to steer clear of building the same institutions their repressors once formed.
  • Consider the European and Western leaders’ journey and reflect on how they affected the Asian and African leaders. What do you think Asian and African leaders adopted from the ideas of the European and Western leaders? What do you think they discarded in their move towards independence?
  • Draw from the Learning Resources this week. Recall the pressures that the African and Asian nations experienced when adopting and crafting their own policies.
  • Reflect upon the African and Asian desire for change and what it meant to them as societies as they began to rebuild after World War II.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post  a summary (2–3 paragraphs) of the ways that leaders in Asia and Africa thought about, used, or rejected Western institutions and ideas in shaping a post-colonial era. Be sure you consider the role of the Cold War in shaping the relationship of these countries with the West, and the US. Summarize attitudes towards and influences of:

  • 1) Western political thought and institutions as they appear in the Japanese Constitution of 1946
  • 2) Mao’s reflections of China’s revolutionary history in 1949
  • 3) Kwame Nkrumah’s analysis of African nationalist movements