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Session 5 DiscussionClick on the Session 5 Discussion link and create a new thread to respond to the discussion prompt. After posting your initial response, please comment on your classmates’ response

  • Session 5 DiscussionClick on the Session 5 Discussion link and create a new thread to respond to the discussion prompt. After posting your initial response, please comment on your classmates’ responses. Respond by making constructive responses or by raising other questions that will promote further discussion and learning by all of us.You will be graded not only for your posting but also for your participation in this discussion. Your initial post is due by Wednesday at 11:59 P.M. (MT) of the week in which the discussion is assigned. A minimum of two (2) additional response posts are due by Sunday at 11:59 P.M. (MT). Participation is required on at least three days throughout the session. These are minimum requirements. Be sure to follow any additional guidelines posted by the instructor.Review the rubric available in Due Dates and Grades for specific grading criteria.Discussion Prompt: End TimesMuch discussion in recent years has centered around the “end times.” Discussions and studies related to this topic are referred to as the study of “eschatology.” This week, you will read from the book of Revelation and be exposed to the apocalyptic genre in the New Testament. Our discussion this session will center around what the New Testament says about the “end times.” Along with your reading in Revelation and our textbook, review Jesus’ discussion of this topic in Matthew 24-25 and Paul’s statements in 1 Thessalonians 4-5 and 2 Thessalonians 2.Address the following in your entry to the discussion board:
    • The book of Revelation has a lot of imagery and symbolism and can prove to be a challenging read. After completing all of your readings for this session, what questions do you still have regarding the imagery and symbolism you read about in the book of Revelation?
    • What are some questions that remain unanswered for Christians related to the end times, even after reading the book of Revelation?
    • Since we cannot know the exact time or date of the “end times,” what central message should we focus on and express to our family, friends, co-workers, and community concerning this “hot” topic in today’s society?
  • Session 5 Final PaperSo what is the point of all this study of the New Testament? Is it just ancient history with no relevance for today? Is it just a wearisome study? Even a verse in the Old Testament reads, “Be warned, my son, of anything in addition to them. Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body” (Holy Bible, New International Version, 1973/2011, Ecclesiastes 12:12).One of the key points in studying the New Testament is to understand the examples set for us in these ancient pages. In 1 Corinthians 10:6 and 10:11-12, Paul wrote these words of warning in regard to all the stories of faith in the Old Testament. Certainly, they also apply to what we now have compiled in the New Testament:“Now these things occurred as examples to keep us from setting our hearts on evil things as they did… These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the culmination of the ages has come. So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!” (Holy Bible, New International Version, 1973/2011, 1 Corinthians 10:6, 10:11-12)The New Testament is a lesson in life. Learn from their mistakes. Model their successes. Listen to their instruction. Follow the Jesus who called both them and you.The final is a four to five-page, researched response paper to three of the four following essay questions. In the paper, you will need to integrate information gained from all previous assignments. Utilize and reference at least six biblical references, properly citing Scripture in APA format. Use at least four academic references to support your response (you may use your textbook as one of your resources and the Bible as another). Please use the CCU library website to assist you in finding more academic resources.This is an open note, open textbook, and open Bible final. The following are the four essay questions. Please select three to respond to:
    1. Drawing on the entire New Testament, make a list of five names and titles used to identify Jesus. Discuss the meaning of each name or title, the person(s) using it, and the place in the New Testament where you found the usage. Discuss how the title helped to explain some aspect of Jesus’ character or role and why that would be attractive to the audience of the writer. After you finish doing this, choose two names or titles that you find to be most helpful or impactful to you. Explain why you chose these names or titles and what significance they have to you personally.
    2. Having studied and read about the expansion of the early Christian church and movement, discuss the factors (personal, religious, political, etc.) which contributed to its spread. What are the most important factors that you have discovered throughout this study? Do not just list, but explain why you chose the people, events, or cultural issues that helped Christianity spread through the Roman world.
    3. Explain why the Johannine literature is important to a student of the New Testament.
    4. Discuss the New Testament assertion of Jesus as “God the Son.” What are the implications? How did Jesus and His followers communicate this unique relationship between “God the Father” and “God the Son”? Explore, specifically, both the incarnation and the attributes of God in Christ. Draw specific textual support from John 1, Philippians 2, Colossians 1, and other New Testament reading, and from all previous assignments.

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