Home Law homework help Criminal homework help Report Issue The first part of the assessment is uploaded as well. Critically research and assess opportunities for the application of digital and social media marketing practices within specific markets Create and apply detailed, actionable e-marketing plans Identify and manage information, web analytics, systems and process requirements for successful integrated, customer-focused e-marketing management Apply quantitative techniques to analyse marketing data Based on the strategy you developed in the individual essay assessment for Ecoforest, you should now focus on presenting your digital marketing campaign objectives and action plan for the email, website (including SEO), and social media marketing. Your individual portfolio provides details of the following: • SMART objectives that are channel specific (i.e. email, website, social media marketing) (20%) • Action plan (includes recommendations and justifications for prototypes for implementing the digital marketing campaign including: email, website design, SEO, and social media advertisements and/or posts) (50%) • Evaluation (20%) attachment Digitalandsocialmarketingstrategy.doc

 The first part of the assessment is uploaded as well. Critically research and assess opportunities for the application of digital and social media marketing practices within specific markets Create and apply detailed, actionable e-marketing plans Identify and manage information, web analytics, systems and process requirements for successful integrated, customer-focused e-marketing management Apply quantitative techniques to analyse marketing data Based on the strategy you developed in the individual essay assessment for Ecoforest, you should now focus on presenting your digital marketing campaign objectives and action plan for the email, website (including SEO), and social media marketing. Your individual portfolio provides details of the following: • SMART objectives that are channel specific (i.e. email, website, social media marketing) (20%) • Action plan (includes recommendations and justifications for prototypes for implementing the digital marketing campaign including: email, website design, SEO, and social media advertisements and/or posts) (50%) • Evaluation (20%)
  • attachment


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