HR Management Homework Help

Instructions You have been recently promoted to lead a new division of Company XYZ. This company is known for its team-oriented atmosphere, and your boss has raved about some of your natural leadershi


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You have been recently promoted to lead a new division of Company XYZ. This company is known for its team-oriented atmosphere, and your boss has raved about some of your natural leadership qualities. Your first task is to assemble the best team possible from the potential candidates found below. An explanation of the skills–motivation matrix can be found on p. 39 in your textbook. Read each description, and provide the following information in a two- to three-page double-spaced document (not including the title and references pages):

  1. Classify each team member into one of the four matrix areas.
  2. Discuss the reommended action for each employee depending on his/her classification.
  3. Distinguish if your role as the leader will be a facilitator, coach, or a combination of the two.
  4. Examine which team competencies would benefit from shared leadership.

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