Human Resource Management homework help

Human Resource Management homework help.

Research the stated Learning Outcomes of your particular degree program. (Briefly outline them in your discussion response.)  In the subject line of your initial post, state your degree.

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  • OR…If you plan to gain PLA credit (Prior Learning Assessment), describe the course or courses for which you hope to gain credit. Briefly describe the Learning Outcomes of the course(s) and answer the questions below.  [More information on PLA may be found at .]]

ORGL major Educational Outcomes are included in this Learning Module. For outcomes of other majors or specific courses, please consult the undergraduate catalog for your college.
Answer the following:

  • How do theory and practice interrelate in meeting the different Learning Outcomes for your degree program (or PLA)?
  • What are the “schools of thought” or frameworks or theories in which you have to show knowledge and learning to achieve the  learning outcomes?  Describe your progress toward achieving these learning outcomes.
  • What items, artifacts, or other portfolio items can you provide that will show the learning you achieved in theories or “the big picture” of the field you are – or will be -in?

(Refer to the Grading Rubric for Discussions for maximum points. Include references/citations to relevant theories in the course. Provide specific examples. Respond to at least two classmates’ postings.)

Human Resource Management homework help