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Walden University Coaching Principles Discussion

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Assignment: Coaching Principles

Just as important as the phases are to the coaching process is the way each is carried out. If a coach enters a conversation with a personal agenda and a tone of authority or punishment instead of interest and encouragement, the client might experience the conversation as punitive, discouraging, or heated. Coaches cannot simply follow the phases in the coaching process without practicing genuine interest, having an encouraging tone, or asking open-ended questions. All of these elements are integral for building rapport with clients and, ultimately, facilitating change.

In this Assignment, you will explore some of the “dos” and “don’ts” of coaching. Then you will review a case study in which the coach is internal to the organization (e.g., leader as coach) and consider the mistakes made by the coach in the case study and what he could have done differently.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review Chapters 6–8 in the e-brary text, Therapist Into Coach. Pay particular attention to principles that define the coaching process. Consider how each might help to foster the coach-client relationship and promote change among clients.
  • Review Chapters 7–9 in the course text, Coaching and Mentoring at Work: Developing Effective Practice.
  • Review the course media, “Process and Principles” with Diane Brennan. Consider the “dos” and “don’ts” of coaching.
  • Review the case study for Week 5 found below. Identify the mistakes made by the coach in the case study. Then, think about what the coach could have done differently to foster the coach-client relationship and promote change in the client and why.

Week 5 Case Study: Process and Principles

  • “Coach”: Hi, Chris. Have a seat. Do you know why we are meeting today?
  • Chris: Not really.
  • “Coach”: It seems the problem with the monthly reports still hasn’t been resolved.
  • Chris: What problem?
  • “Coach”: What problem? The one we talked about last month. The problem where you do not complete the reports on time. The problem where you have not collaborated with your team to answer their questions about these reports.
  • Chris: If they had problems, they could call me.
  • “Coach”: We can talk about that later. Right now, you need to focus on those reports. What is it that keeps you from completing them on time?
  • Chris: I don’t see their importance, and I have a number of other things on my plate.
  • “Coach”: Well, as we discussed last month, these reports are important. It does not matter whether you understand their importance, they have to be completed.
  • Chris: I have other high-priority tasks I need to complete, and this isn’t one of them.
  • “Coach”: Well, I’d have to disagree with that, so let’s focus on the reports and what it will take to complete them. What will it take for you to switch gears and focus on the reports?
  • Chris: — silent—
  • “Coach”: Do I need to repeat the question?
  • Chris: First, I would have to reprioritize things. So someone will have to assume some of my responsibilities that are considered less important, at least by your standards.
  • “Coach”: We can work to review your tasks and make sure there is time set aside for the reports. What other ideas can you come up with?
  • Chris: Well … to be honest, if I knew more about where this report went and how it impacted others, I may be able to tailor the responses to benefit them.
  • “Coach”: This sounds reasonable. Perhaps others don’t understand the impact of the reports either. I will set up a meeting to review this with everyone. Do you have any other ideas to complete these reports on time?
  • Chris: I think these are the biggest issues.
  • “Coach”: So, what can we work toward to ensure you complete this month’s reports within the next 2 days, since they are already late?
  • Chris: I’ll have to work on it this afternoon. Can I be unreachable?
  • “Coach”: I can put you in a bubble for this afternoon. I’ll check with you before we leave today to pick up your report and pass it along. Looking ahead, what consequences will you expect if you are tardy with the reports again?
  • Chris: Ummm… Hmmm… I guess I’ll have to present on the report at the next meeting. You know how I hate to present.
  • “Coach”: This is a great idea. I think this would be another good incentive for you to complete this. What is your commitment level to do this on a scale of 1—not going to happen—to 10—fully committed, no hesitations? Chris: Well… I guess right now, it is a 5.
  • “Coach”: How can we get this to a 7 or an 8?
  • Chris: I need to understand how it is important as a whole, and I then need to reprioritize my schedule when this is due.
  • “Coach”: If you find you have any problems with this, will you see me so we can resolve it ahead of time?
  • Chris: Yes.
  • “Coach”: All right then. I’d better let you go so you can work on that. I’ll see you in a few hours.
  • Chris: Fine

The Assignment: (1–2 pages)

  • Briefly describe the mistakes made by the coach in the case study. Then explain why you think each is a coaching mistake.
  • Explain what the coach could have done differently to foster the coach-client relationship and promote change in the client. Be specific and be sure to cite specific coaching principles that apply.

Support your Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. Provide a reference list for all sources used, including those in the Learning Resources for this course.