Humanities Homework Help
HRMT 101 Ashford university Communication Styles Discussion
Week 1-Discussion: As you build your human relations skills, it is very important to establish an acute sensitivity to the impact communication has on your interpersonal relationships at home and at work. Human relations communication starts with your desire to connect with another person. Sometimes, connecting can be a challenge with technologies such as email, instant messaging, text messaging, and forms of social media. These modes of technology make it difficult to read non-verbal cues. We continue to be dependent on relationships for people, processes, and technology to give us our best results.
Based on your readings this week (see Content – Week 1 – Reading and Resources), how can we improve communications with each other in a world filled with technology that often results in physical isolation? Be creative in your answer!
- Personality and Values
- The four faces of organizational culture.
- Process, people, and conflict management in organizations.
- Cultural norms that facilitate organizational change in a tire mold facility.
- Relationships between work values, communication satisfaction, and employee job performance.
- Doing the right things or doing things right?
- Chapter 4: Communicate Effectively
- Human Relations
Week 2-Discussion: Who knew that your own self-esteem and confidence could influence the success of your workplace? In our workplaces, personal self-image can create positivity that can be contagious. Likewise, poor self-image can breed negativity and hinder personal and professional growth.
Based on your readings this week (see Content – Week 2 – Reading and Resources), what steps can you take to garner the courage and self-esteem necessary to improve communication within your workplace(s)? What factors might stand in your way in relation to your ability to accomplish this objective? Be creative in your answer!
- Validity and Reliability of the Management Communication Style Scale
- Bethany College: Dr. Carl Isaacson’s “Nonverbal Communication”
- Carl Isaacson’s “The Limits of Self Disclosure”
- Chapter 9: Successful Employee Communication Week 3- Discussion: Values are established from a very young age and can be influenced by people and environments. Most would agree that our values drive our behavior and our communication with others. Our behavior can be influenced by internal value conflicts. These conflicts shape our ethical instinct and attitudes toward right and wrong behavior. Attitude choices include decisions to be happy, sad, optimistic, open-minded, pessimistic, etc. With this said, there are a variety of factors that influence one’s attitude, such as psychological, emotional, cognitive, and social needs being fulfilled.Based on your readings this week (see Content – Week 3 – Reading and Resources), it is clear that “Attitude” is a choice. Be creative in your answer! What responsibility do we have to ourselves and others in the workplace to ensure that our attitude and values have a positive and empowering effect in our personal and professional lives?
- Ethics and Human Values Series
- Values, Norms, Roles and Status
- Social Attitudes and Values.
- Individual and organizational antecedents of professional ethics of public relations practitioners in Korea.
- The effect of ethical leadership behavior on ethical climate, turnover intention, and affective commitment.
- When politics meets ethics: How political skill helps ethical leaders foster organizational citizenship behaviors.
- The ethics “fix”: When formal systems make a difference.
- Linking ethical leadership to employees’ organizational citizenship behavior: Testing the multilevel mediation role of organizational concern.
- Individual Differences: Values and Personality
- Week 3 assignment-
- Effective Human Relations Communications Style Self-Assessment Exercise (see attachment)
Take this assessment, and take some time to consider the results based on what you have learned so far in this class. This assignment is designed to help you understand your communication style, and identify ways to build self-confidence when communicating with others. Your personal values influence the ethical choices that you make, the attitudes that shape your life, and the way that you motivate yourself and others.
What did you learn from taking this assessment?
What action do you plan to take as a result of this assessment?
How can you use this information to improve your human relations communication style?
Research Paper Instructions:
Submit your work as an MS WORD ATTACHMENT in either a .doc, .docx, or .rtf format. No other file format can be accepted (i.e., no .pdf, read-only, or Apple file formats).
Write a 1-2 page paper regarding your findings, using APA format, and submit no later than Sunday, midnight. Your paper must have an introduction, body, and conclusion. Your paper must also include a reference page, title page, and in-text citations for all listed references in accordance with the APA manual, 6th edition chapters 6 (citation formatting) and chapter 7 (reference/source formatting). In addition, papers longer than 2 pages will not be read after the second page. As such, please ensure that all questions are answered within the first two pages, as your grade will be based on the first two pages received.
Please support your ideas, arguments, and opinions with independent research, include at least three (3) supporting references or sources (do NOT use Wikipedia, unknown, undated, or anonymous sources, such as websites).
Please ensure that you review the grading rubric (click on checkerboard under grade details above) for this assignment carefully, to ensure that you receive the highest possible grade for your work!
See Attachments