Humanities Homework Help
Neurodiversity Thomas and His Difficulty of Expressing His Emotions Discussion
Lesson 3 Writing Assignment: Is this behavior neurotypyical?
Read the following Psychology Today article, What is Neurodiversity? (Retrieved from
1. Consider the behaviors in the bulleted listed below:
- Jenny will only eat white foods.
- Brenda follows a very specific routine in the morning. If her schedule is disrupted in any way she is unable to get through the rest of her day.
- Lucy did not speak until she was 3 and tends to repeat the same 3 words over and over again.
- Thomas has difficulty expressing his emotions and is unable to interpret the emotional cues of others.
- Jason avoids physical contact with others.
- Nancy wears headphones to avoid interactions with others in public settings.
- Matt does not look a person in the eye when he speaks to them.
- Mary cannot focus unless her socks are pulled up to her knees. She says it hurts her when they fall down.
- Ryan enjoys watching NASCAR. He knows all of the drivers’ stats and shares this information with his friends, family, and acquaintances.
- Tammy prefers to work alone and does not do well in group settings.
- Sarah can follow directions and clearly understands spoken language but she does not communicate vocally.
- Steven refuses to wear clothing that needs to be pulled over his head. He prefers one specific shirt but will wear another shirt if it has buttons or a zipper.
2. PICK TWO behaviors from the list above and answer the five following questions for each of the two behaviors selected. For each, include a heading to indicate which behavior you are addressing (Example: Jenny will only eat white foods) and then list your numbered answers.
- Is the behavior neurotypical or neuroatypical?
- Should the behavior be addressed through treatment?
- To what extent might this behavior present a challenge for an individual in dealing with others?
- What could be done in a school or workplace to accommodate these kinds of behaviors?
- Could the behavior provide an advantage?
Your paper should be a Word document (.doc or .docx), at least 200-250 words, double-spaced, 1-inch margins, with 12-point Times New Roman font. All of the information you include should be paraphrased with NO direct quotes. You must include appropriate in-text citations in APA style and then include an APA-style Reference(s) list on a separate page at the end (citations and references do not count toward the word count). Make sure your writing is clear and well-organized.