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HIWD 370 A1 Business Wk 6 Unique Words of The King James Bible Bibliography

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HIWD370 – Week 6 — Writing – Annotated Bibliography


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In Week 6, the student will create an annotated bibliography for a research project related to one of the topics addressed in Modules/Weeks 4, 5, or 6 (war and peace, gold, and writing). The bibliography will require at least ten scholarly sources, with 1-2 paragraphs annotations, written in Turabian formatting. These sources may not include any of the articles or materials assigned as readings in the course, but they may contain an article addressed in your Article Assessment Journal. This should be a different topic/civilizations/eras than that addressed in the previous assignment. No more than two of the articles included may be related to US/European topics.


•Grammar –correct word-usage, proper nouns, sentences complete,academictone•Punctuation, Spelling

Turabian formatting is correct

At least ten sources that meet the following requirements: •Sources are scholarly •Sources relate to the topic under discussion

•Identifies the article’s thesis and purpose •Assesses the value and importance of the source

•Annotations are well thought out and well organized •Writing is clear and precise •Analyzes and evaluates the source and its relevance to the topic at hand